The image from git here is Ubuntu 16.04 with Kinetic, the instruction says to work with Melodic which is for 18.04. Do I need to just reinstall ubuntu 18.04 and install Melodic?
The instruction says change MBSLIDAR to rplidar instead of delta_lidar. However, I tested both rplidar.launch and delta_lidar.launch, delta lidar worked while rplidar failed.
The STM32 is preprogrammed, was the program to communicate with ROS melodic or Kinetic? Or both?
When doing roslaunch mbsrobot bringup.launch, I got the error message like (Unable to sync with device; possible link problem or link software version mismatch such as hydro rosserial_python with groovy Arduino)
I bought the STM32 version of this robot kit.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!