Moerill / token-mold

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[FEATURE] Disable naming for specific actors #109

Closed ashlacon closed 1 year ago

ashlacon commented 2 years ago

I love the abilities to have randomly generated names, so every single npc isn't just "Guard" or "Goblin", however when dropping in NPCs like companions or reoccurring NPCs I often forget to disable the option, which leads to "Wait wasn't his name something else? Lemme check my notes" Its not the biggest problem in the world, a simple copy /paste of the name from the actor sheet or dropping the token in a second time after disabling name fixes it, but it would be nice.

Something like a button on the NPC sheet that says "Do not randomly name" or even a symbol we could put in the NPCs name like !Ferda Rumblefoot and when the token is placed in a scene if there is a ! as the first character, it only removes the ! rather than generate a new name.

DanielBoettner commented 2 years ago

I suggest only naming unlinked tokens.

If checked for this allows the following:

As a DM you import lets say Goblin once. Rename him to Doby. Set link to actor on the token. Place the token and nothing happens.

DM imports Goblin again. This time just drops it on the map and everything works as planned.

Geekswordsman commented 1 year ago

There is really no good way to implement this without a very complex UX :(