Moerill / token-mold

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[BUG] Character sheets not shown anymore when installing Token Mold #165

Open weiserwolf opened 1 year ago

weiserwolf commented 1 year ago

Hi there, I use FoundryVTT with Pathfinder 2e installed and with Spanish Language installed. When I installed Token Mold, Character sheets are not shown correctly anymore. When I uninstall Token Mold, everything is corrected and caracter sheets are fine again.

Here you can see the monster sheet when the module is not enabled:

Here you can see the monster sheet when the module is enabled:

Those are the available sheets and both show the same thing when enabled:

Other monsters just show a blank sheet as you can see here:

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Double left click on token
  2. wrong character sheet or format shown

Expected behavior

  1. A character sheet or monster sheet with all the stats and correctly formated

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