Mofiqul / dracula.nvim

Dracula colorscheme for neovim written in Lua
MIT License
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No highlighting on git diffs on theme dracula on neovim #75

Open eduardoarandah opened 1 year ago

eduardoarandah commented 1 year ago

Plugin: fugitive Command: Gdiffsplit HEAD~1 Plugin manager: lazy

Expecting: diff hightlighting


When changing to built-in theme slate it works

:colorscheme slate


Tried: loading theme first by setting priority in lazy as in the example

        lazy = false, -- make sure we load this during startup if it is your main colorscheme
        priority = 1000, -- make sure to load this before all the other start plugins
        config = function()
            vim.g.rehash256 = 1
                cmd = "colorscheme",
                args = { "dracula" },
            }, {})

However... when I delete a block in my working copy, then hightlighting works.


Kind of solved:

I manually added this and it worked:

highlight DiffChange cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=17 gui=none guifg=bg guibg=gray
highlight DiffText   cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=88 gui=none guifg=bg guibg=orange


lucasrabiec commented 1 year ago

Diffview also has no highlighting for changed code (added/deleted has green/red background). It works well in Tokyonight theme. It uses darken method: It highlights only the background with a darker color. Code has still all of its colors.

lucasrabiec commented 1 year ago

I added the necessary overrides to make it look better:

overrides = {
  DiffAdd = { bg = darken(colors.bright_green, 0.15) },
  DiffDelete = { fg = colors.bright_red },
  DiffChange = { bg = darken(colors.comment, 0.15) },
  DiffText = { bg = darken(colors.comment, 0.50) },
  illuminatedWord = { bg = darken(colors.comment, 0.65) },
  illuminatedCurWord = { bg = darken(colors.comment, 0.65) },
  IlluminatedWordText = { bg = darken(colors.comment, 0.65) },
  IlluminatedWordRead = { bg = darken(colors.comment, 0.65) },
  IlluminatedWordWrite = { bg = darken(colors.comment, 0.65) },

I copied darken methods and other needed helpers from Tokyonight.

Illuminate also needs to be overwritten because dracula.nvim doesn't color it by default.

Mofiqul commented 1 year ago

I will implement it this weekend

Drowze commented 9 months ago

Looking forward to this change :) meanwhile using @lucasrabiec override configuration.

and-rose commented 2 months ago

Would also love to see this change :D