Mofiqul / vscode.nvim

Neovim/Vim color scheme inspired by Dark+ and Light+ theme in Visual Studio Code
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More accurate highlights + better lsp highlights #181

Closed johannesrld closed 4 months ago

johannesrld commented 4 months ago

vscAccentBlue has been changed to #4FC1FFas vscodes theme does not use #4FC1FE anywhere

keywords have been changed to vscBlue instead of vscPink, vscode only uses the pink colour for control flow it seems (and pythons pass statement apparently, but neither basedpyright or treesitter distinguishes pass from just a regular keyword, so I can't fix that)

@type.builtin has been removed, vscode does not distinguish between inbuilt types and normal types it seems

@variable.builtin has the same highlighting as keywords (this is for things like this, self etc)

lsp highlights for typemod.variable.readonly & have been linked to @constant.

lsp.type.member has been linked to @function

lsp.type.keyword has been linked to @keyword

johannesrld commented 4 months ago

There are some other things like macros that seem to be highlighted like keywords again (at least in rust) for whatever reason, but I have not included that yet