Mogli12 / GearboxAddon

Farming Simulator 2017: Gearbox addon
GNU General Public License v3.0
53 stars 28 forks source link

Motorbremse funktioniert nicht #140

Closed HGReaper closed 7 years ago

HGReaper commented 7 years ago


Ich merke schon seit längerem, dass die Kupplung immer öffnet, sobald man den Fuß vom Gas nimmt. Man muss bergab also wirklich Bremsen und kann nicht, wie im RL auf die Motorbremse vertrauen.

Des Weiteren ist die Kupplung auch ständig nur bei 50-80% wenn man nicht vollgas gibt. Ich weiß nicht in wie weit das alles mit den neuen Scripten im LS 17 zusammenhängt und lösbar ist, aber meiner Meinung nach sollte die Kupplung wirklich nur beim Gangwechsel kurz öffnen. Das ganze fällt besonders auf, da sogar Schlepper mit stufenlosem Getriebe (Case Puma, Fendt Vario) beim arbeiten auf dem Feld oder beim aktivieren des Tempomat plötzlich Anzeigen "Kupplung 60%".

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn mich da mal jemand aufklären könnte. Ich fahre übrigens mit einem Logitech Driving Force GT ohne Kupplungspedal und habe die Kupplung auch nicht belegt.

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago

Hallo, kannst Du mal die log.txt (damit ich sehe, welche Mods in welcher Version noch installiert sind) und einen Screen Shot schicken? Danke

Blaggy-0 commented 7 years ago

Servus , so einen ähnlichen Fehler hatte ich auch mal. Die Lösung dafür war dass das Gaspedal warum auch immer als Kupplung belegt war. Nach dem ich das aus den Inputbildings löscht habe ging es wieder richtig evtl. hilf euch das weiter.

HGReaper commented 7 years ago

Also an den Tasten-/ Achsenbelegungen lag es nicht.

Besonders auffällig ist es, wie schon erwähnt beim bergab fahren. fährt man z.B. in einem kleinen Gang und "Vollgas (Gaspedal durchgetreten)" hält die Motorbremse die Höchstgeschwindigkeit des Ganges, nimmt man den Fuß vom Gas, müsste der Motor die Geschwindigkeit eigentlich noch weiter abbremsen, da die Bremskraft bei vollgas ja schon ausreichend war, stattdessen öffnet die Kupplung auf 56% und der Schlepper beschleunigt.

`GIANTS Engine Runtime 7.0.0 (14220) 64bit (Build Date: Feb 17 2017) Copyright (c) 2008-2016, GIANTS Software GmbH (, All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c) 2003-2016, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved. Application: FarmingSimulator2017 Main System CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4690K CPU @ 3.50GHz Memory: 16335 MB OS: Windows NT 10.0 64-bit Physics System Version: 5.9.5 Thread(s): 2 Input System Keyboard enabled Mouse enabled Gamepad/Joystick enabled Force Feedback disabled Name: Logitech Driving Force GT USB Name: Logitech Attack 3 USB Name: Logitech Attack 3 USB Audio System Driver: OpenAL Version: 1.1 Device: Generic Software Render System Driver: Direct 3D 11 Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 Version: (29.12.2016) Revision: 161 Feature level: DirectX 11 ON Info: Effective window resolution 1920 x 1080 Started 2 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool' Hardware Profile Level: Custom Very High View Distance Factor: 1.500000 Shadow Quality: 2.000000 Size: 4096 Filter-Size: 16 Shader Quality: 3 Skip Mipmaps: 0 LOD Distance Factor: 1.000000 Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 2.000000 Terrain Normal Mapping: Yes Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.500000 Foliage Density: 0.750000 Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 0.500000 Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 4.000000 Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 10 Max. Number of Lights: 512 Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32 MSAA: 8 Farming Simulator 17 Version: 1.4.4RC8 Available Languages: en de jp pl cz fr es ru it pt hu nl cs ct br tr ro kr Language: de Time: 2017-05-28 17:36:52 Register configuration 'inputAttacherJoint' Register configuration 'attacherJoint' Register configuration 'frontloader' Register configuration 'motor' Register configuration 'baseColor' Register configuration 'wheel' Register configuration 'rimColor' Register configuration 'design' Register configuration 'designColor' Register configuration 'vehicleType' Game vehicle types loaded Load dlc: pdlc_bigBudPack (Version: Load dlc: pdlc_kuhnPack (Version: Load mod: disableVehicleCameraCollision (Version: Load mod: FS17_AIVehicleExtension (Version: Load mod: FS17_BigBaler_Pack (Version: Load mod: FS17_brantnerDPW18000 (Version: Load mod: FS17_Brix_TwinnPack (Version: Load mod: FS17_BsM_Semi_Bale_50000 (Version: Load mod: FS17_challengerMT700EFieldViper (Version: Load mod: FS17_challengerMT800EFieldPython (Version: Load mod: FS17_challengerMT900EFieldAnaconda (Version: Load mod: FS17_choppedStraw (Version: Load mod: FS17_Courseplay (Version: 5.01.00136) Load mod: FS17_CSZ_set (Version: Load mod: FS17_CS_DirectSeedingAddon (Version: Load mod: FS17_dark_night (Version: Load mod: FS17_DCK_FollowMe (Version: Load mod: FS17_DCK_RoundBalerAutoUnload (Version: Load mod: FS17_epsilon_crane (Version: 1.4) Load mod: FS17_FBP3135_ToggleWrapper (Version: Load mod: FS17_FendtFarmer31xLSA (Version: Load mod: FS17_fendtHarvesterPackage (Version: Load mod: FS17_fillTypeMassAdjustment_realistic (Version: 4.0 FS17) Load mod: FS17_FlieglFlatbed_UAL (Version: Load mod: FS17_flieglSTF25000VC (Version: Load mod: FS17_flieglVFW10600 (Version: Load mod: FS17_Fork_Cotech_Claws_BsM (Version: Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule01_CropDestruction (Version: Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule02_TireDirt (Version: Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule03_GroundResponse (Version: Load mod: FS17_fortunaFTM200_6_0 (Version: Load mod: FS17_fuel_container (Version: Load mod: FS17_GearboxAddon (Version: Load mod: FS17_Goweil_RBA_BsM (Version: Load mod: FS17_Ground_Modification (Version: Load mod: FS17_holmerHR12 (Version: Load mod: FS17_holmerPack (Version: Load mod: FS17_itRunnerPack (Version: Load mod: FS17_ITS_Lemken_Dolomit (Version: Load mod: FS17_ITS_Lemken_Gigant (Version: Load mod: FS17_ITS_Lemken_Kompaktor_K (Version: Load mod: FS17_ITS_Lemken_Kompaktor_S (Version: Load mod: FS17_JympaSJSeries (Version: Load mod: FS17_Kerfab_BaleFork (Version: Load mod: FS17_kirovetsK700A (Version: Load mod: FS17_koeckerlingTrio300 (Version: Load mod: FS17_kroneBigXPack (Version: Load mod: FS17_KroneSwadro2000 (Version: Load mod: FS17_kuhnVB2190 (Version: Load mod: FS17_lelyJuno150 (Version: Load mod: FS17_lemkenAchatZ8 (Version: Load mod: FS17_LightAddon (Version: 2.0.1) Load mod: FS17_LoanTax (Version: 1.1) Load mod: FS17_machineryShelterPlaceable (Version: Load mod: FS17_ManureMod (Version: 1.17) Load mod: FS17_masseyFerguson8737BlackEdition (Version: Load mod: FS17_MB3D_ClaasJaguar800 (Version: Load mod: FS17_MeasureHelp (Version: 2.0) Load mod: FS17_mengeleGarant5402 (Version: Load mod: FS17_newHollandLM742 (Version: Load mod: FS17_newHollandW170C (Version: Load mod: FS17_PeeconBiga (Version: Load mod: FS17_placeableRefillStation (Version: Load mod: FS17_placeable_Old_Shed2_BsM (Version: Load mod: FS17_real_clock (Version: 1.0) Load mod: FS17_ROCRT1000 (Version: Load mod: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC (Version: 1.0) Load mod: FS17_shedPackage (Version: Load mod: FS17_TatraPhoenix8x8_ITr (Version: 1.0) Load mod: FS17_Tieflader (Version: Load mod: FS17_TST_Quadro_Pac_V_BsM (Version: Load mod: FS17_vaederstadTopDown500 (Version: Load mod: FS17_valtraTSeriesCowEdition (Version: Load mod: FS17_valtraTSeriesWREdition (Version: Load mod: FS17_VarioSpreadingWidth (Version: 1.0) Load mod: FS17_veenhuisW400 (Version: Load mod: Guellepack (Version: Load mod: WBH (Version: Load mod: ZZZ_BGAextension (Version: 4.00) Load mod: ZZZ_driveControl (Version: 4.10) Load mod: ZZZ_fastForward (Version: 2.1) Load mod: ZZZ_frontloaderdisplay (Version: 1.0) Load mod: ZZZ_GPS (Version: 5.00) Register vehicle type: pdlc_bigBudPack.subsoiler Register vehicle type: pdlc_bigBudPack.sowingMachineSprayer_extendedSpeedRotatingParts Register vehicle type: pdlc_bigBudPack.sowingMachineSprayerTank Register vehicle type: pdlc_bigBudPack.augerWagon_crawler Register vehicle type: pdlc_bigBudPack.tractor_articulatedAxis_analogClock Register vehicle type: pdlc_bigBudPack.sowingMachineSprayer_jigglingParts Register vehicle type: pdlc_bigBudPack.cultivator_jigglingParts Register configuration 'wrappingColor' Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.subsoiler Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.sowingMachineCultivator Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.turnOnCultivator Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.windrower_workMode Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.extendedBaleWrapper Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.balerWrapper Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.sowingMachineKuhnTF1500 AutoSteeringEngine initialized

Courseplay: initialized 39/39 files (v5.01.00136)

******************************************* WARNING *******************************************
* You are using a development version of Courseplay, which may and will contain errors, bugs, *
* mistakes and unfinished code. Chances are your computer will explode when using it. Twice.  *
* If you have no idea what "beta", "alpha", or "developer" means and entails, remove this     *
* version of Courseplay immediately. The Courseplay team will not take any responsibility for *
* crop destroyed, savegames deleted or baby pandas killed.                                    *

adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledSprayer" adding Courseplay to "tractor" adding Courseplay to "car_dynamicMountAttacher" adding Courseplay to "combine_animated" adding Courseplay to "loaderVehicle" adding Courseplay to "wheelLoader" adding Courseplay to "conveyorTrailerDrivable" adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledMixerWagon" adding Courseplay to "woodHarvester" adding Courseplay to "skidSteer" adding Courseplay to "combine_animated_crawler" adding Courseplay to "conveyorTrailerHireable" adding Courseplay to "tractor_articulatedAxis" adding Courseplay to "car" adding Courseplay to "pdlc_bigBudPack.tractor_articulatedAxis_analogClock" adding Courseplay to "ridingMower" adding Courseplay to "woodCrusherTrailerDrivable" adding Courseplay to "tractor_crawler" adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledMower" adding Courseplay to "combine_animated_articulatedAxis" adding Courseplay to "tractor_foldable" adding Courseplay to "loadingTrailerDrivable" adding Courseplay to "combine" adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledPotatoHarvester" adding Courseplay to "telehandler_articulatedAxis" adding Courseplay to "telehandler" adding Courseplay to "forwarder" adding Courseplay to "combine_cylindered" adding Courseplay to "tractor_reverseDriving"

Courseplay: installed into 29 vehicles

Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.adattatoreCSZ Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaRotoballe Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPunteReclinabili Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaExtraElevazione Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaMordente Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaFasciati Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPallet Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPalletExtra Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPalletTrattenitore Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaTronchi Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaTronchiExtra Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaLetame Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPolivalente Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaGriglia Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaBietole Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaMultiusoL3000 Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaMultiusoL4000 Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaScaricoCentrale Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaTrattenitore Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaDesilatrice Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.lamaDozer Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.gancioSollevamento Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bilancinoSollevamento Script loaded: FollowMe.lua (v1.2.1.40) Script loaded: BalerAutoUnload.lua (v1.1.0.24) Register vehicle type: FS17_epsilon_crane.heckkran Register vehicle type: FS17_epsilon_crane.heckkran_gewicht Register vehicle type: FS17_FendtFarmer31xLSA.fendtFarmer310LSA Register vehicle type: FS17_FlieglFlatbed_UAL.transportTrailerUAL GroundModification loaded. Register vehicle type: FS17_holmerPack.augerWagon_foldable Register vehicle type: FS17_holmerPack.tractor_crabSteering Register vehicle type: FS17_JympaSJSeries.JympaSJ Register vehicle type: FS17_Kerfab_BaleFork.Kerfab Register vehicle type: FS17_lelyJuno150.juno150 Register vehicle type: FS17_mengeleGarant5402.MengeleGarant5402 Register vehicle type: FS17_mengeleGarant5402.SilageAdditivesTank Register vehicle type: FS17_mengeleGarant5402.BuyableBlades Register vehicle type: FS17_PeeconBiga.mixerWagon Register vehicle type: FS17_ROCRT1000.ROCRT1000 Register vehicle type: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC.implement_cylindered Register vehicle type: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC.implement_configuratableMass Register vehicle type: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC.leveler_configuratableMass Register vehicle type: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC.silageDistributor Register vehicle type: FS17_TatraPhoenix8x8_ITr.truck1 Register vehicle type: Guellepack.manureBarrelZunhammerTV Register vehicle type: Guellepack.manureBarrel_22500PE Register vehicle type: Guellepack.vogelsangswingup30 Register vehicle type: Guellepack.manureBarrelCultivator2 Register vehicle type: Guellepack.manureBarrelsprayer Register vehicle type: Guellepack.augerWagon1 --- installing driveControl by upsidedown into Drivable, Steerable and VehicleMotor... dataS/cameraPath01.i3d (0.09) ms dataS/cameraPath02.i3d (0.08) ms dataS/cameraPath03.i3d (0.05) ms data/sky/skyUS_day_night.i3d (8.19) ms data/sky/rain.i3d (0.78) ms data/sky/hail.i3d (0.46) ms data/sky/dust.i3d (0.34) ms D:/FS 17 Mods/Mods/WBH/maps/map01.i3d (2658.07) ms --- loading AI Vehicle Extension v1.0 by mogli --- ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | register specialization ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | specialization added to 5 vehicle types

Courseplay: setting up signs

D:/FS 17 Mods/Mods/FS17_Courseplay/img/signs/normal.i3d (0.37) ms D:/FS 17 Mods/Mods/FS17_Courseplay/img/signs/cross.i3d (0.48) ms D:/FS 17 Mods/Mods/FS17_Courseplay/img/signs/unload.i3d (0.44) ms D:/FS 17 Mods/Mods/FS17_Courseplay/img/signs/wait.i3d (0.65) ms D:/FS 17 Mods/Mods/FS17_Courseplay/img/signs/start.i3d (0.66) ms D:/FS 17 Mods/Mods/FS17_Courseplay/img/signs/stop.i3d (0.59) ms

Courseplay: setting up fields (basic)

Courseplay: loading settings from "courseplaySettings.xml"

Courseplay: setting up hud

Courseplay: setting up debug channels

Courseplay: setting up globalInfoText

Courseplay: loading courses and folders from "courseManager.xml"

Courseplay: register later loaded mods

adding Courseplay to "FS17_lelyJuno150.juno150" adding Courseplay to "FS17_FendtFarmer31xLSA.fendtFarmer310LSA" adding Courseplay to "FS17_holmerPack.tractor_crabSteering" adding Courseplay to "FS17_TatraPhoenix8x8_ITr.truck1" *** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 Direct Seeding Addon v1.1.0.0 ChoppedStraw mod found, addon loaded D:/FS 17 Mods/Mods/FS17_dark_night/skyUS_day_darkNight.i3d (33.18) ms

FillType Mass Adjustment FS17 by modelleicher loaded. Visit for more Mods and Support ............................................................................................................ Fillable mass of Filltype squareBaleBarley changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype poplar changed to 0.45 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype woodChips changed to 0.36 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype forage changed to 0.32 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype sunflower changed to 0.35 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype milk changed to 1.03 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype roundBale changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype fuel changed to 0.84 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype squareBaleWheat changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype soybean changed to 0.7 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype forage_mixing changed to 0.31 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype barley changed to 0.63 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype wheat changed to 0.79 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype seeds changed to 0.35 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodProtein changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype dryGrass_windrow changed to 0.07 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype straw changed to 0.04 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype silage changed to 0.7 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) ################ NOT IN LIST YET: powerFood cur. Val: 0 Fillable mass of Filltype powerFood changed to 0 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 ) Fillable mass of Filltype manure changed to 0.79 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype chaff changed to 0.46 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype squareBale changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype rape changed to 0.72 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype fertilizer changed to 1.1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype pig changed to 0.2 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype cow changed to 0.64 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype sheep changed to 0.1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype wool changed to 0.2 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype maize changed to 0.8 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype chicken changed to 0.003 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleBarley changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype grass changed to 0.35 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype treeSaplings changed to 0.2 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype water changed to 1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleWheat changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype sugarBeet changed to 0.74 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleDryGrass changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleGrass changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype grass_windrow changed to 0.35 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodGrain changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype digestate changed to 0.5 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodEarth changed to 0.64 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype liquidFertilizer changed to 0.9 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodBase changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype egg changed to 0.1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype potato changed to 0.73 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype oilseedRadish changed to 0.75 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype liquidManure changed to 0.98 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) ################ NOT IN LIST YET: tarp cur. Val: 0 Fillable mass of Filltype tarp changed to 0 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 ) Fillable mass of Filltype dryGrass changed to 0.07 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) Fillable mass of Filltype pigFood changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table) FillTypeMassAdjustment all fillType mass values have been updated. Note: This Log entry should only exist once, if you have several of these please check to make sure you don't have several FillTypeMassAdjustment Versions in your Modfolder.

--- loading Getriebe v2.0 von Mogli --- --- FS17_GearboxAddon: inserted into 33 vehicle types / 0 vehicle types updated --- --- loading VarioSpreadingWidth - specialization by gotchTOM --- loading complexBGA mod V4.00 --- (by upsidedown) --- loading driveControl mod V4.10 (by upsidedown)--- --- fast Forward Mod V2.1 loaded --- (by upsidedown) --- loading GPS mod V5.00 --- (by upsidedown) Disabled withering ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | loading straw types ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | fertilizing fruittypes: barley wheat rape sunflower maize soybean *** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | loaded 4 straw types data/vehicles/tools/stoll/stollFrontLoaderFZ.i3d (10.44) ms data/vehicles/tools/stoll/stollToolShovel.i3d (13.35) ms data/vehicles/trailers/kroeger/kroegerTKD302.i3d (26.19) ms data/vehicles/tools/vogelNoot/vogelNootTerraDisc600.i3d (16.71) ms data/vehicles/steerable/lizard/lizardPickupRodeo.i3d (29.67) ms loading C:/Users/Holger L/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017//driveControl_config.xml for driveControl-Mod configuration driveControl module shuttle started driveControl module fourWDandDifferentials started driveControl module cruiseControl not started driveControl module showNearestFillLevel started driveControl module pipeCam started driveControl module implementControl started driveControl module softGas not started driveControl module showMotor started driveControl module variGear not started driveControl module freeSteering not started driveControl module inching not started driveControl motor autoTurnOff set to true GPS mod inserted into Drivable Specialization (should happen only once!) GPS mod inserted into Vehicle Camera (should happen only once!) D:/Farming Simulator 2017/pdlc/kuhnPack/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnMergeMaxx902.i3d (227.71) ms data/vehicles/steerable/masseyFerguson/MF7347Activa.i3d (51.00) ms D:/FS 17 Mods/Mods/FS17_AIVehicleExtension/AutoCombine.i3d (0.14) ms data/vehicles/cutters/masseyFerguson/MFActivaHeader.i3d (28.71) ms data/vehicles/trailers/arcusin/arcusinFSX6372.i3d (22.01) ms data/vehicles/steerable/jcb/jcb435s.i3d (31.08) ms FS17_GearboxAddon: looking for default configuration (defaultTorqueConverter) D:/FS 17 Mods/Mods/FS17_Fork_Cotech_Claws_BsM/ForkWL.i3d (55.71) ms data/vehicles/trailers/fliegl/flieglDPW180.i3d (11.58) ms D:/Farming Simulator 2017/pdlc/kuhnPack/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnAxis402.i3d (161.91) ms D:/Farming Simulator 2017/pdlc/kuhnPack/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnDC401.i3d (37.01) ms D:/Farming Simulator 2017/pdlc/kuhnPack/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnHR4004.i3d (169.53) ms D:/Farming Simulator 2017/pdlc/kuhnPack/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnTF1500.i3d (132.16) ms D:/Farming Simulator 2017/pdlc/kuhnPack/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnBTF4000.i3d (145.20) ms D:/FS 17 Mods/Mods/FS17_ITS_Lemken_Dolomit/Dolomit_4m.i3d (17.75) ms data/vehicles/tools/grimme/grimmeSL8022.i3d (17.89) ms

Courseplay: SL 80-22 Quantum: aiTrafficCollisionTrigger missing. Traffic collision prevention will not work!

FS17_GearboxAddon: looking for default configuration (default) data/vehicles/steerable/caseIH/caseIH1455.i3d (50.82) ms data/vehicles/steerable/caseIH/caseIHPumaCVX.i3d (46.43) ms data/vehicles/trailers/kroeger/kroegerHKD302.i3d (21.38) ms data/vehicles/tools/agco/agco1100.i3d (4.59) ms data/vehicles/tools/lizard/lizardBeltSystem.i3d (3.96) ms

Courseplay: S-710: aiTrafficCollisionTrigger missing. Traffic collision prevention will not work!

FS17_GearboxAddon: looking for default configuration (default) D:/FS 17 Mods/Mods/FS17_CSZ_set/filename/forcaPalletExtra.i3d (18.33) ms data/vehicles/tools/lizard/lizardR5000.i3d (3.38) ms data/vehicles/tools/fsi/fsiST65T.i3d (3.77) ms D:/FS 17 Mods/Mods/FS17_epsilon_crane/Palfinger.i3d (165.09) ms data/vehicles/tools/damcon/damconPL75.i3d (13.19) ms data/vehicles/tools/poettinger/poettingerNovaCat301.i3d (25.33) ms D:/Farming Simulator 2017/pdlc/kuhnPack/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnGMD4411.i3d (126.21) ms data/vehicles/tools/lely/lelyHibiscus1515CdProf.i3d (22.15) ms data/vehicles/tools/lely/lelyLotus1250.i3d (19.34) ms data/objects/squarebales/baleStraw240.i3d (1.83) ms data/objects/bigBagContainer/bigBagContainerSeeds.i3d (3.23) ms data/objects/bigBagContainer/bigBagContainerFertilizer.i3d (1.55) ms data/placeables/workshop/workshop.i3d (31.58) ms data/placeables/highPressureWasher/kaercher/kaercherHDS918-4M.i3d (11.59) ms D:/FS 17 Mods/Mods/FS17_placeable_Old_Shed2_BsM/Old_Shed.i3d (45.25) ms data/objects/pallets/treeSapling.i3d (8.84) ms dataS2/character/player/player01.i3d (238.41) ms data/firstPerson/chainsaws/stihl/stihlMS261.i3d (13.22) ms C:/Users/Holger L/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/savegame3/groundmodification_map.xml (294.58) ms Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Holger L/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/screenshots/fsScreen_2017_05_28_17_38_05.png Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Holger L/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/screenshots/fsScreen_2017_05_28_17_38_14.png Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Holger L/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/screenshots/fsScreen_2017_05_28_17_38_37.png Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Holger L/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/screenshots/fsScreen_2017_05_28_17_38_41.png Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Holger L/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/screenshots/fsScreen_2017_05_28_17_38_44.png Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Holger L/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/screenshots/fsScreen_2017_05_28_17_41_11.png Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Holger L/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/screenshots/fsScreen_2017_05_28_17_43_30.png Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Holger L/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/screenshots/fsScreen_2017_05_28_17_43_45.png Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Holger L/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/screenshots/fsScreen_2017_05_28_17_43_59.png Physics System Version: 5.9.5 Thread(s): 2 Input System Keyboard enabled Mouse enabled Gamepad/Joystick enabled Force Feedback disabled Name: Logitech Driving Force GT USB Name: Logitech Attack 3 USB Name: Logitech Attack 3 USB Audio System Driver: OpenAL Version: 1.1 Device: Generic Software Render System Driver: Direct 3D 11 Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 Version: (29.12.2016) Revision: 161 Feature level: DirectX 11 ON Info: Effective window resolution 1920 x 1080 Started 2 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool' Hardware Profile Level: Custom Very High View Distance Factor: 1.500000 Shadow Quality: 2.000000 Size: 4096 Filter-Size: 16 Shader Quality: 3 Skip Mipmaps: 0 LOD Distance Factor: 1.000000 Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 2.000000 Terrain Normal Mapping: Yes Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.500000 Foliage Density: 0.750000 Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 0.500000 Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 4.000000 Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 10 Max. Number of Lights: 512 Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32 MSAA: 8 Farming Simulator 17 Version: 1.4.4RC8 Available Languages: en de jp pl cz fr es ru it pt hu nl cs ct br tr ro kr Language: de Time: 2017-05-28 17:44:45 Register configuration 'inputAttacherJoint' Register configuration 'attacherJoint' Register configuration 'frontloader' Register configuration 'motor' Register configuration 'baseColor' Register configuration 'wheel' Register configuration 'rimColor' Register configuration 'design' Register configuration 'designColor' Register configuration 'vehicleType' Game vehicle types loaded Load dlc: pdlc_bigBudPack (Version: Load dlc: pdlc_kuhnPack (Version: Load mod: disableVehicleCameraCollision (Version: Load mod: FS17_AIVehicleExtension (Version: Load mod: FS17_BigBaler_Pack (Version: Load mod: FS17_brantnerDPW18000 (Version: Load mod: FS17_Brix_TwinnPack (Version: Load mod: FS17_BsM_Semi_Bale_50000 (Version: Load mod: FS17_challengerMT700EFieldViper (Version: Load mod: FS17_challengerMT800EFieldPython (Version: Load mod: FS17_challengerMT900EFieldAnaconda (Version: Load mod: FS17_choppedStraw (Version: Load mod: FS17_Courseplay (Version: 5.01.00136) Load mod: FS17_CSZ_set (Version: Load mod: FS17_CS_DirectSeedingAddon (Version: Load mod: FS17_dark_night (Version: Load mod: FS17_DCK_FollowMe (Version: Load mod: FS17_DCK_RoundBalerAutoUnload (Version: Load mod: FS17_epsilon_crane (Version: 1.4) Load mod: FS17_FBP3135_ToggleWrapper (Version: Load mod: FS17_FendtFarmer31xLSA (Version: Load mod: FS17_fendtHarvesterPackage (Version: Load mod: FS17_fillTypeMassAdjustment_realistic (Version: 4.0 FS17) Load mod: FS17_FlieglFlatbed_UAL (Version: Load mod: FS17_flieglSTF25000VC (Version: Load mod: FS17_flieglVFW10600 (Version: Load mod: FS17_Fork_Cotech_Claws_BsM (Version: Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule01_CropDestruction (Version: Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule02_TireDirt (Version: Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule03_GroundResponse (Version: Load mod: FS17_fortunaFTM200_6_0 (Version: Load mod: FS17_fuel_container (Version: Load mod: FS17_GearboxAddon (Version: Load mod: FS17_Goweil_RBA_BsM (Version: Load mod: FS17_Ground_Modification (Version: Load mod: FS17_holmerHR12 (Version: Load mod: FS17_holmerPack (Version: Load mod: FS17_itRunnerPack (Version: Load mod: FS17_ITS_Lemken_Dolomit (Version: Load mod: FS17_ITS_Lemken_Gigant (Version: Load mod: FS17_ITS_Lemken_Kompaktor_K (Version: Load mod: FS17_ITS_Lemken_Kompaktor_S (Version: Load mod: FS17_JympaSJSeries (Version: Load mod: FS17_Kerfab_BaleFork (Version: Load mod: FS17_kirovetsK700A (Version: Load mod: FS17_koeckerlingTrio300 (Version: Load mod: FS17_kroneBigXPack (Version: Load mod: FS17_KroneSwadro2000 (Version: Load mod: FS17_kuhnVB2190 (Version: Load mod: FS17_lelyJuno150 (Version: Load mod: FS17_lemkenAchatZ8 (Version: Load mod: FS17_LightAddon (Version: 2.0.1) Load mod: FS17_LoanTax (Version: 1.1) Load mod: FS17_machineryShelterPlaceable (Version: Load mod: FS17_ManureMod (Version: 1.17) Load mod: FS17_masseyFerguson8737BlackEdition (Version: Load mod: FS17_MB3D_ClaasJaguar800 (Version: Load mod: FS17_MeasureHelp (Version: 2.0) Load mod: FS17_mengeleGarant5402 (Version: Load mod: FS17_newHollandLM742 (Version: Load mod: FS17_newHollandW170C (Version: Load mod: FS17_PeeconBiga (Version: Load mod: FS17_placeableRefillStation (Version: Load mod: FS17_placeable_Old_Shed2_BsM (Version: Load mod: FS17_real_clock (Version: 1.0) Load mod: FS17_ROCRT1000 (Version: Load mod: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC (Version: 1.0) Load mod: FS17_shedPackage (Version: Load mod: FS17_TatraPhoenix8x8_ITr (Version: 1.0) Load mod: FS17_Tieflader (Version: Load mod: FS17_TST_Quadro_Pac_V_BsM (Version: Load mod: FS17_vaederstadTopDown500 (Version: Load mod: FS17_valtraTSeriesCowEdition (Version: Load mod: FS17_valtraTSeriesWREdition (Version: Load mod: FS17_VarioSpreadingWidth (Version: 1.0) Load mod: FS17_veenhuisW400 (Version: Load mod: Guellepack (Version: Load mod: WBH (Version: Load mod: ZZZ_BGAextension (Version: 4.00) Load mod: ZZZ_driveControl (Version: 4.10) Load mod: ZZZ_fastForward (Version: 2.1) Load mod: ZZZ_frontloaderdisplay (Version: 1.0) Load mod: ZZZ_GPS (Version: 5.00) ` fsscreen_2017_05_28_17_43_30 fsscreen_2017_05_28_17_43_45 fsscreen_2017_05_28_17_43_59

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago


der 1455XL hat IRL eine Strömungskupplung von Voith. Und die 36000 Liter Sojabohnen wiegen rund 25 Tonnen. Keine Ahnung, ob man das in Echt nur mit der Motorbremse halten kann, vor allem wenn man bedenkt, dass sämtliche Steigungen in LS viel zu übertrieben sind.

Gruß, Stefan

HGReaper commented 7 years ago

Naja, wenn er das bei durchgetretenem Gaspedal hält, sollte er es ohne Gasgeben doch auch halten, oder? Dass das sehr viel Last für diesen Schlepper ist ist mir klar. Man sieht aber ja auf den Screenshots deutlich (1. und 3. Bild sind mit durchgetretenem Gaspedal), dass er da die Geschwindigkeit hält und sobald man den Fuß vom gas nimmt, öffnet die Kupllung und der Schlepper rollt frei.

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago

Ok, probier mal Version

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago

Und, schon Version probiert?