Mogli12 / GearboxAddon

Farming Simulator 2017: Gearbox addon
GNU General Public License v3.0
53 stars 28 forks source link

Enhancement request : Simulate torque pulses of individual pistons. #389

Closed Dudejo closed 6 years ago

Dudejo commented 6 years ago


Would it be viable to simulate engine torque based on this article?

Mogli12 commented 6 years ago


I do not think that we can simulate this with only 30 to 60 FPS. 2000 rounds per minute corresponds to 33 rounds per second. So we have less than 2 frames per round of the engine.

Regards, Stefan

Dudejo commented 6 years ago

is 20,000 rpm the game engine's limit?

Also, assuming you understand the article, is there a flag that could be implemented to modify the values of gearboxMogliGlobals.DefaultRevUpMs for individual vehicles?

Mogli12 commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I meant 2,000 RPM.

You can specify the attribute revUpMs in the gearboxMogli tag:

<gearboxMogli ... revUpMs="2000" revUpMsFullLoad="15000" revUpMsNeutral="750" revDownMs="1500" .../>
Dudejo commented 6 years ago

thanks, I'll see if I can simulate something convincing for my own purposes.

btw, I recommend setting revDownMs in the LUA file to 3000 ms. When the current value of 1500 ms is used, vehicles that require double clutching are extremely difficult to shift because the RPMs simply drop too quickly.

Also, it feels like the engine has no flywheel to maintain rotational momentum.

Mogli12 commented 6 years ago

You can overwrite all values of gearboxMogliGlobals w/o modifying Just check as example.

Dudejo commented 6 years ago

do I need to make a second ZIP file to put my modified file in?

Mogli12 commented 6 years ago

No, Just place gearboxAddonConfig.xml in your mods folder.

Dudejo commented 6 years ago

I just noticed that the flags for revUp/Down/etc attach to transmissions. However, for my needs, I would need them to attach to engines.

Is this possible?

Mogli12 commented 6 years ago

You can limit your configuration to certain engines:

            <!-- 40 km/h -->
            <xmlFile name="modernClassicsDLC/jcbFastrac150/jcbFastrac150.xml" engines="1"/>
Dudejo commented 6 years ago

how does that flag work?

does it point to an engine ID (engine 1, engine 2, etc)? would I type engines="1, 2, 3"?

or does it say how many engines the configuration has?

Also, I'm getting an error that says I can't use the Transmissions tag. Is that correct?

Mogli12 commented 6 years ago

Suppose your vehicle has 5 motorConfigurations and the gearbox configuration should be valid for the 2nd, 3rd and 5th then it would look like this: engines="2 3 5"

Dudejo commented 6 years ago

ok, I'll look into it once I have some free time.


Dudejo commented 6 years ago

ok so...I typed out two configurations in an external file. Basically, I want config no.1 to apply to engine 1 and config no.2 to apply to the other engines.

However, no matter what engine I choose, the game defaults to config no.1 and will not apply config no.2 under any circumstance.

Dudejo commented 6 years ago

Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Mogli12 commented 6 years ago


I think you use it with the build in Lizard Rodeo, right? In your config this works via the entry

<configFile xmlName="data/vehicles/steerable/lizard/lizardPickupRodeo.xml"/>

I propose to adjust it this way:

<configFile xmlName="data/vehicles/steerable/lizard/lizardPickupRodeo.xml" engines="1"/>

for the 1st entry and

<configFile xmlName="data/vehicles/steerable/lizard/lizardPickupRodeo.xml" engines="2 3 4"/>

for the 2nd entry.


Dudejo commented 6 years ago

that worked.

thanks for the help.