Mogli12 / GearboxAddon

Farming Simulator 2017: Gearbox addon
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Submitting configs for mods. #95

Open Jurkkis opened 7 years ago

Jurkkis commented 7 years ago

Can users submit configs for mod tractors to be included with the mod? I've created one which I've IRL experience with.


Quintto commented 7 years ago

i think that would be an amazing idea!

Quintto commented 7 years ago

btw I'm working on a gearbox for the steyr 8110, I'm almost done but in which unit is the fuelUsageRatio , i can't find it in the documentation, i assume its in g/kWh, but i'm not sure

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago

Hi, the unit for fuel usage is g/kWh.

Quintto commented 7 years ago

sorry for hijacking this issue thread, but i've added the gearbox stuff to the tractor, but now its not going in game its giving me this error: Register vehicle type: STEYR_8110aTurbo_SK2_V1.STEYR8110SK2 Error: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/STEYR_8110aTurbo_SK2_V1/Steyr8110Turbo.xml. . . Error: No storeData found in 'C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/STEYR_8110aTurbo_SK2_V1/Steyr8110Turbo.xml'. StoreItem will be ignored! XML's

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago


It would be much easier to create a file gearboxAddonConfig.xml in the mods folder. You can put all your configurations there. This works in SP and MP. Only the server needs the gearboxAddonConfig.xml.

Additionally, I propose to use notepad++ to edit XML. By the way: just delete line 32 in Steyr8110Turbo.xml.

Regards, Stefan

Quintto commented 7 years ago

thanks for the help, but i always thought you couldn't upload an XML file to a dedicated server right? (im using notepad++ already)

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago

I do not have access to a dedi server right now.

Quintto commented 7 years ago

I do, I will try it tonight

Jurkkis commented 7 years ago

Thanks for response. If clients have their own configfile in mod folder, the server one will override? The configfile sure is easiest way, or include the gearbox config with the mods xml if you edit/maker your own vehicles. Just thought that making the configs takes some time to find the torque/gear ratio info for all your favorite mods, it would be nice to have some database for those.

As for uploading the gearboxAddonConfig.xml to dedicated server mod folder, it wont work through the FS web control panel, it just gives error for not supported mod type. You will need FTP Access to dedi mod folder, and not all server hosters provide this.

Quintto commented 7 years ago

I thought so, a database would be a nice idea, maybe make a google drive thats open for everyone to put their config (per tractor) in, like a zip file with: the config, sources and mod link like this one? edit: the steyr config is added to the folder

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago

Nice idea. I have some configurations, which I did not want to include directly in FS17_GearboxAddon. I loaded the XML into your google drive.

Quintto commented 7 years ago

but why didn't you want to include them, I can't imagine its because of the size. those extra lines barely add any Kb's

Anonymous-any commented 7 years ago

Hi there maybe to modify and share them with easy way for all? because It's a constraint to update inside the zip file cause when online you know all player and server must have the same hash archive file...Although there is a way to bypass certain files from the archives outside but the solution is farfetched

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago

Please do not modify the mod. Just place the gearboxAddonConfig.xml in the mods folder.

Anonymous-any commented 7 years ago

Sure ! that why I suggest to try to put outside configfiles ! if the idea can make his path. But you know like I already say if the archive is altereed from the original like modify gearboxAddonConfig.xml or another file the archive become hash different and then in multiplayer become gray cause you need to have the same hash file zip but pretty sure you know that.

Quintto commented 7 years ago

maybe its possible to make a seperate mod that can contain the configfiles, from which the gearboxmod grabs its additional configs

cabmac commented 7 years ago

with the gearboxAddonConfig.xml in your MODS-FOLDER you have a seperated file for all your personal vehicles without to touch de gearbox-mod (zip)

Quintto commented 7 years ago

yeah but the point is making it work on a dedicated server, where you can't have XML files in the mods folder, only ZIP files

cabmac commented 7 years ago

ah, ok, a database would be very interesting, but i think i has to be in a forum, something like this:

Quintto commented 7 years ago

yeah probably, but maybe make it on an English forum like FS-UK or so everyone can participate and understand what people are saying

Jurkkis commented 7 years ago

Forum sounds good. Someone just makes initial post with template how to post and (upload) configs that everyone follows. I've got 40km/h delta powershift gearing setup ready for older Valtras that is good for Mega/Hitech 8000 series and early T-Series. Just need to make torque curves for different engines.

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago

Maybe we could combine this one with #89. We need some more flexibility to store configurations, even on the dedi server. Selecting the right transmission out of different possibilities could be part of the configuration menu. This is just an idea for the next version. Maybe we can even access a central server like in I do not know yet.

Quintto commented 7 years ago

if it would be possible to make such central database for all the configs, that would be really nice especially if it could be combined with selectable transmission. but for now i think a forum thread would be nice, should I make one on fs-uk?

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago

@Quintto: Yes!

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago

Hmm, maybe we can store the config later here in github???

cabmac commented 7 years ago

could be interesting too,

Quintto commented 7 years ago

made the topic:

cabmac commented 7 years ago

very awesome detailed example...this is how it should be...

Quintto commented 7 years ago

thanks, now lets hope people actually help and share their configs

Anonymous-any commented 7 years ago

Hi, Quintto is nothing else is losing in you shared config? like the pathmod and xml name to found down in configFile? but maybe i'm wrong in all cases i've dl the tractor and try to do it. Regards

Quintto commented 7 years ago

that's because that config was made to put in the mod.xml and not in a config, so I'm able to put it on my dedicated server

Anonymous-any commented 7 years ago

Oh ok sorry but newbies go have a shared config nonfunctional no?

Quintto commented 7 years ago

what do you mean?

Anonymous-any commented 7 years ago

well to install a config a guy who don't know all base about the mod go have a config not functionnal if he read the post and try (my english is sad no? ^^)

Quintto commented 7 years ago

I see what you mean, but I don't really know how I should go about explaining that, maybe @Mogli12 has an idea?

Anonymous-any commented 7 years ago

yes i don't know but at time what is see is just adding

    <mod name="FS17_STEYR8090aTurboSK2">
        <xmlFile name="Steyr8090TurboSK2.xml"/> 

go solve the problem than it do? add this copy paste to your share for a beginner seem to work?

Anonymous-any commented 7 years ago

Well :/ i try to buy the tractor and returning an error is that your mod or conversion Quintto? I add i already got this error when try to convert a mod but never found the cause...but i think it's linked to a rotation something like that spawn buy placement depending of mapmod?

My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_STEYR8090aTurboSK2/Steyr8090Turbo.i3d (290.56) ms Error: Running LUA method 'update'. [builtin:deg]:0: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value

It's not good mod for the demonstration :/ !! sorry for disturb My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_STEYR8090aTurboSK2/Steyr8090Turbo.i3d (286.75) ms FS17_GearboxAddon: Initialization of client... FS17_GearboxAddon: Vehicle motorConfiguration name: "8090 SK2" FS17_GearboxAddon: gearboxMogli inserted into FS17_STEYR8090aTurboSK2/Steyr8090TurboSK2.xml (i) Holly shit it's CP that cause the issue ! disabling it become the tractor buyable OMG I lost so lots of conversion DAAAAAaaaammmnnn

Quintto commented 7 years ago

thats because its for the steyr 8110 not the 8090 and thats an i3d error, i don't think that has anything to do with the gearboxmod right?

Anonymous-any commented 7 years ago

no no I give the explain sorry

Well the config is very good just an abnormality the non turbo version engine should not have blowOffVentilSound otherwise it is really well tiered very good !

@Mogli12 if you come here is there any special code to specify multi engines: --> blowOffVentilSound volume="0" <--non turbo --> blowOffVentilSound volume="1" <--for turbo engine don't laugh please ^^ for the same vehicle but different engines you know with or not turbo? I can not seem to found the appropriate line code for separate engines sound in same xml config...if possible obviously

Anonymous-any commented 7 years ago

No way possible then?

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago

Hi, you can create two entries for the same mod for different engines. Example is at the end of

It works like this:

    <vehicle>Steyr profi CVT
        <mod name="FS17_SteyrProfi">
            <xmlFile name="SteyrProfiCVT.xml" engines="2 4 6 8"/>

The extra attribute engines is the trick.

Quintto commented 7 years ago

nice! but I assume you still need to add the extra engine configs in the mod.xml right? so instead of not touching the xml, you need to add the extra engines for the Profi CVT additionally to the powershift ones? anyways, this is an awesome addition!

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago

Yes, you need two engine configurations. So there is one for the power shift transmission and one for the CVT. It is just that the engines attribute limits the configuration entry to the corresponding motor configurations.

Anonymous-any commented 7 years ago

Cool ! thank and then we can choose to insert the turbo sound

<blowOffVentilSound volume=

or not many thank Maestro ! :)

Anonymous-any commented 7 years ago

Hi, I would submit a question not sure is there not a bug in the "newHolland8340" range configuration where there is two almost the same like this? `

        <ranges defaultRange="2" shiftTimeMs="800">
            <range name="L" ratio="0.43"/>
            <range name="H" ratio="1"/>

        <ranges defaultRange="2" shiftTimeMs="800">
            <range name="L" ratio="0.245"/>
            <range name="H" ratio="1"/>

?? to know if I can remove one that do nothing? but I know nothing ^^ Br

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago

Hi, This article is in German. But the Fords and New Hollands of that time have a transmission with 16/16 gears, 4 power shift gears and 2 groups with 2 ranges:

Anonymous-any commented 7 years ago

Hi, thank it's ok yes I see too the Ford use same conf but the question is two are used in same time or we must choose the one we want to keep? Br

Mogli12 commented 7 years ago

Hi, The keys for the first range are KEY_rightbracket and KEY_backslash. If you additionally press the right shift key you can change the second range. Regards, Stefan

Anonymous-any commented 7 years ago

Why I'm so stupid sorry for disturb big thank you Stephan