Do you have some more context for why these changes were made? Perhaps a migration guide of some sort? Are these changes compatible with 2.7x? This plugin still needs to support 2.7x. Also, blendergltf will need to be updated for 2.8 in order for blend2bam to work, which is required for BAM export. Also, I wonder how well rendered viewport works since this addon uses raw OpenGL calls that I am pretty sure are incompatible with Blender 2.8's core profile.
Do you have some more context for why these changes were made? Perhaps a migration guide of some sort? Are these changes compatible with 2.7x? This plugin still needs to support 2.7x. Also, blendergltf will need to be updated for 2.8 in order for blend2bam to work, which is required for BAM export. Also, I wonder how well rendered viewport works since this addon uses raw OpenGL calls that I am pretty sure are incompatible with Blender 2.8's core profile.