Moguri / BlenderPanda

Blender addon for integrating Panda3D
MIT License
76 stars 11 forks source link

Current state of project and contribution #51

Open Aman-Anas opened 5 months ago

Aman-Anas commented 5 months ago

Hi, I use UPBGE and Range a lot, and I was thinking that a Blender frontend/editor for Panda3D would be a really great idea for licensing and performance. Well, it seems you had the idea before I did :)

Anyways, I was wondering what the state of the project is at the moment and whether you're still intending to continue developing it. I think this would ideally be a modern Blender addon, but it might also make sense to instead make an underlying "panda3d project manager" command utility that this plugin interacts with.

Edit: I see pman and blend2bam are already being used in the backend, is pman still maintained?

My ideal workflow is this:

I'd be happy to help out with development, if there's anything I can work on.

Moguri commented 5 months ago

This project itself is abandoned, but, as you noticed, some of the underlying technology from it is still around. pman, blend2bam, and panda3d-gltf (gltf2bam) are all still actively maintained. Unless Blender addon development has gotten better, I am not interested in maintaining another Blender addon. However, I would be interested in collaborating on such an addon and improving tools like pman.