MohamedRejeb / Calf

Calf is a library that allows you to easily create adaptive UIs and access platform specific APIs with Compose Multiplatform (Adaptive UI, File Picker, WebView, Permissions...).
Apache License 2.0
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WebView with Adaptive Sheet presentation bug #77

Open nilufer32 opened 4 months ago

nilufer32 commented 4 months ago

When replacing the modalpresentationstyle of the bottomsheetUiViewController from popover to formsheet and using the following detents:

bottomSheetUIViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFormSheet

and placing a WebView inside the sheet, dragging the sheet from the medium to the large detent causes a weird flickering of the webview from the bottom [as if it were continuously resizing].

nilufer32 commented 3 months ago

Hello, any plans on checking out this issue? thanks