x averaged pressure(can't measure that now, but I believe fluctuation would be less than 5% if converged)
My assumption:
[Cd] is often calculated by 【Openfoam controlDict forceCoeffs】, I believe Cd is correct.
Another problem I have noticed is that the [wall shear stress] direction is not aligned with velocity, this confused me. Regarding my CFD simulations with some commercial software like Fluent, is CFD physics near the boundary well-studied?
RegDGCNN to directly estimate Cd. This is more directly accurate, and end-to-end than other methods. I wish I could contribute something to make it better.
previously on
https://github.com/Mohamedelrefaie/DrivAerNet/issues/2#issue-2267563258 After the bugfix for the first version of Drag force caculation
Paraview Files:
download https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/65x8hu3um1a566ba2uq6c/AJMAgTrk43ql7O1Q6jTAuzo?rlkey=33bm4viz5s49jrti61hizmagz&st=1fs6y434&dl=0
how to load
My assumption:
Another problem I have noticed is that the [wall shear stress] direction is not aligned with velocity, this confused me. Regarding my CFD simulations with some commercial software like Fluent, is CFD physics near the boundary well-studied?
RegDGCNN to directly estimate Cd. This is more directly accurate, and end-to-end than other methods. I wish I could contribute something to make it better.
Originally posted by @wangguan1995 in https://github.com/Mohamedelrefaie/DrivAerNet/issues/2#issuecomment-2081829640