Mohamedema / NGS_Group_project

RNA-Seq analysis
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Reads and Their formats #19

Closed NouranTantawy closed 4 years ago

NouranTantawy commented 4 years ago

6 reads are only used (paired-end):

3 paired-end samples :

Non_Tumor_NT_AA_004_1.fq.gz Non_Tumor_NT_AA_004_2.fq.gz Non_Tumor_NT_BB_005_1.fq.gz Non_Tumor_NT_CC_007_1.fq.gz Non_Tumor_NT_BB_005_2.fq.gz Non_Tumor_NT_CC_007_2.fq.gz

3 paired-end samples tumor

Tumor_T_A_004_2.fq.gz Tumor_T_A_004_1.fq.gz Tumor_T_B_005_1.fq.gz Tumor_T_B_005_2.fq.gz Tumor_T_C_007_2.fq.gz Tumor_T_C_007_1.fq.gz

All of these reads are renamed to be ended without this suffix (fq.gz) as they are a binary file if they are found in this format