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Why Are We Still Using Create React App? It's Not 2014 🚨 use vite.js instead #1

Open achrafOuk opened 2 weeks ago

achrafOuk commented 2 weeks ago

Hey, you! Yes, you—the developer who decided to go with Create React App (CRA) in the year of our lord 2024. I mean, I get it, nostalgia is a thing, right? Maybe you're still booting up your Nokia 3310 to play some Snake or listening to your favorite jams on Winamp. But here's the thing: It's not 2014 anymore.

And just like we don’t send faxes or use dial-up internet, we don’t need to use CRA when Vite.js is sitting right here, waiting to bless your project with actual modern tooling. Why are we stuck in the past?

🔥 Why Vite.js?

(Or: Why It’s Time to Stop Living in the Past)

  1. Blazing Fast Like It’s 2024:
    CRA still thinks it’s cool to take its sweet time “compiling” while you get a chance to grab coffee, take a walk, and contemplate your life choices. Meanwhile, Vite.js finishes compiling faster than it took you to read this sentence. Yes, fast like your grandma's DSL connection wasn't.

  2. Hot Module Replacement That’s Actually... Hot?:
    CRA’s HMR is more like Warm Module Replacement, or, you know, Temperate Module Replacement—if it even works at all. With Vite.js, HMR actually does what it says. Instantaneous updates. No reloads. Revolutionary, I know! Cue the applause.

  3. ESM (Because We’ve Evolved Since 2014):
    CRA still uses CommonJS by default, like we’re in the caveman era of web development. But guess what? Vite.js uses native ES modules, because, surprise, browsers actually got smarter! Imagine that! Vite isn’t here to babysit your bundle; it’s here to let the browser do its thing.

  4. Rollup FTW:
    While CRA struggles under the weight of its own dependencies like it’s doing some sort of endurance race (and losing), Vite embraces Rollup to handle build optimizations like a pro. CRA could learn a thing or two—if it wasn’t stuck in the past.

  5. No More Webpack Nightmares:
    CRA forces you to deal with Webpack, that hulking beast of configuration hell. Do you enjoy writing 300 lines of config just to compile a few assets? If so, CRA is your soulmate. But if you want a stress-free life and maybe even a smile while coding, Vite’s simplicity is here to save the day.

đź’€ Why Using Create React App in 2024 Is Like Bringing a Flip Phone to a Smartphone Fight

  1. Do You Still Use a Horse and Buggy?
    Look, if you're a fan of horse-drawn carriages or sending messages via carrier pigeon, then by all means, keep using CRA. But for the rest of us who like things that work in a timely manner (and don't look like they belong in a museum), Vite is here for you.

  2. The Future Is Now, Old Man
    Seriously, what are you waiting for? Do you want to be the last person on Earth using CRA? Are you holding out for a Blockbuster Video resurgence too? In the year 2024, Vite.js is not just an option—it’s the only logical choice.

✨ Conclusion: Do Yourself (and the Rest of Us) a Favor

Please. For the love of all that is good in web development, stop using Create React App. Unless you’re really trying to impress someone with how retro you are, there's no reason to stick with such an outdated, sluggish tool.

Switch to Vite.js today, and maybe, just maybe, your project will finally stop crying itself to sleep every night. 🌙

Let’s be real: CRA is the Webpack equivalent of putting a square wheel on your car, and I think we all deserve better.

A Dev Who Has Seen the Light (aka Vite.js) 🔥

Here are some useful links (Because You’re Going to Need Them):

Mohammed-Maghri commented 2 weeks ago

+1 Thank You for The Advice I will check the Link's Below ...