MohammedJava / group_L-soen341project2022

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User seller can post items to sell #9

Open zeinebbenmami opened 2 years ago

zeinebbenmami commented 2 years ago

As a user seller, I should be able to post items on the website to sell so that buyers can see them on the website and add them to their carts and purchase them.

Story Points: 25 Explanation: Main feature of our e-comm website, we need users to be able to post items so that other users can purchase them. Main work will be done on this user story as it is an epic one. Most of the effort for future sprints will be spent on this user story. High Priority.

Risk Assessment:

MrMelon1232 commented 2 years ago

Acceptance Test Suites

Test Suite 1:Front-End

NateTheL8 commented 2 years ago

Acceptance Test Suites

Test Suite 2: Back-End