Mohid-Water-Modelling-System / Mohid

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Model Parameter Verfication(MOHID is quite slow than I expected.) #47

Open kihangyoun opened 4 years ago

kihangyoun commented 4 years ago

Hello All,

I am writing to ask a question about MOHID Input files and paramters.

In my computer (Windows), it take one hour for forecasting one day. As far as I concerned it is quite slow because the model domain is small and the computational load is not that big. Then I think I'm calculating some other variables that I don't want to calculate. And I want to cacluate only the flow considering the tide and winds. So I suspect that the option is set to calculate other variables t,s,others.

And I also want to ask if it will be better to do it on Linux. Plese let me know if you need to addtional information.

Thank you, Kihang

Below is my environments OS: Windows Mohid Exec: MOHIDWater_v18.06_x64_OpenMP.exe