MohistMC / Mohist

Minecraft Forge Hybrid server implementing the Spigot/Bukkit API, formerly known as Thermos/Cauldron/MCPC+
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.31k stars 221 forks source link

Strange error happends after player death. #2017

Closed JosephJoJoDa closed 2 years ago

JosephJoJoDa commented 2 years ago

Minecraft Version : {1.16.5}

Mohist Version : {923}

Operating System : {Linux}

Logs : {No report produced}

Mod list :{ mods from Better Minecraft 1.16.5: betterdungeons, immersivefx, immersivecooking, alexsmobs, infernalexp, fd_cookbook, betternether, stalwart_dungeons, strawgolem, farmersdelightintegrations, yungsapi, pyromancer, environmental, bamboo_blocks, guardvillagers, randompatches, copperpot, pickupnotifier, waila, snowrealmagic, dynview, whatareyouvotingfor, jeresources, revampedwolf, supplementaries, betterendforge, upgradednetherite, corpse, structure_gel, tinyskeletons, cleancut, torchmaster, bcc, morevillagers, repurposed_structures, morepaths, fastfurnaceminusreplacement, dungeons_plus, toughnessbar, cavesandcliffs, decorative_blocks_abnormals, darkerdepths, spark, curios, extendedmushrooms, jepb, obfuscate, theabyss, adorn, cloth-config, bettershields, fallingtree, fastbenchminusreplacement, charm, customstartinggear, fastleafdecay, babel, bettermineshafts, geckolib3, bettermodsbutton, veinmining, darkpaintings, kiwi, clienttweaks, mowziesmobs, ftblibrary, configmenusforge, jeiprofessions, jei, visualworkbench, attributefix, catlib, bayou_blues, terraincognita, differentiate, goblintraders, caelus, paxi, upgrade_aquatic, better_badlands, naturescompass, sereneseasons, irregularchef, stoneholm, curioofundying, endergetic, sulfuric, outvoted, catalogue, jeitweaker, crafttweaker, forge, dsurround, neapolitan, dungeons_arise, minecraft, mousetweaks, ftbquests, totw_additions, farmersdelightintegration, cavesandcliffsbackportadditions, personality, paintings, savageandravage, xaerominimap, ftbbackups, autumnity, polymorph, justenoughprofessions, autoreglib, earthmobsmod, nethers_delight, puzzleslib, byg, aquaculture, xpbook, blue_skies, tips, architects_palette, incontrol, osv, kleeslabs, villagernames, xaeroworldmap, controlling, citadel, bookshelf, improvedbackpacks, jeed, carryon, omnis, ftbteams, dragonmounts, twilightforest, cuneiform, jeienchantmentinfo, equipmentcompare, chocolate, farmersdelight, simpleshops, talpm, skinnedlanterns, bountiful, cnb, cataclysm, patchouli, collective, villagertools, elevatorid, betterstrongholds, travelers_index, cavebiomeapi, architectury, curiouselytra, aiimprovements, enchantwithmob, voidtotem, tradingpost, betteradvancements, sndctrl, buzzier_bees, nourished_nether, itemfilters, easymagic, nourished_end, enhanced_mushrooms, abnormals_core, dungeons_mobs, conjurer_illager, extraboats, waystones, goldenhopper, clumps, village_employment, roadrunner, comforts, tumbleweed, campful, storagenetwork, outer_end, decorative_blocks, badmobs, dead_guys_untitled_deepdark, lazydfu, wandering_bag, akashictome, ftbchunks, frozenup, skinlayers3d, travelerstitles, selene, environs, enchdesc, amfd, jade, towers_of_the_wild, atmospheric, mobeffects, iceberg, quark, kryptonreforged, abnormals_delight, inventoryhud, illagersweararmor, combustivefishing, blocksplus, hunterillager, ferritecore, enhancedcelestials, overloadedarmorbar, [nature_expansion]}]

Plugin list : {}

Description of issue : {After a player death and clicking the respawn button, the console would keep producing "preparing crash report with uuid: xxxx-xxxx" and never terminate. So, no report was given. ;(( (the player could still move or build) image }

IridiumH commented 2 years ago

I got the same issue as yours when using build 924 or build 904. When this happens, player data can not be saved. I revert the server to build 855 and this problem just disappear.

TNTUP commented 2 years ago

Can confirm this issue. As soon the player dies, it stops saving the playerdata (leading to dupe items or loss) and can lead to server crashes(due to ResourcefulBees on ATM6 modpack).

Downgrading to Mohist 1.16.5-929 fixes the issue