Mohit-majumdar / Youtube-Downloader

a free youtube video down-loader tool
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Alternatives for YouTube Video Download Backend #4

Open feliperafael opened 1 month ago

feliperafael commented 1 month ago

Hey, how are you?

I've been following the project and would like to confirm: is the goal to create an API for downloading YouTube videos? Recently, I tried using Pytube for this purpose but wasn't successful.

If you have already found a solution for the backend, I would love to know more details. I'm also available to contribute to the project.

Best regards

Mohit-majumdar commented 1 month ago

Hi, I am doing fine!

Well, I am developing a web application that allows users to download videos from YouTube. I was also using Pytube for the backend, but it stopped working a while ago. Fortunately, I have discovered a good substitute for Pytube: youtube-dl Link I am using it to write backend code, and I welcome any feedback. feel free to contribute , Thank you for your efforts.