MohsenZand / ObjectBox

(ECCV 22 Oral) ObjectBox: From Centers to Boxes for Anchor-Free Object Detection
GNU General Public License v3.0
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question about process of "aug. center". #18

Open lejk8104 opened 1 year ago

lejk8104 commented 1 year ago

Hello, Thanks you for sharing code about ObjectBox.

I have one questions. In your paper, you added "aug. center", during training, I think, it is significantly improve the performance about ObjectBox to expand of positive samples. but, I don't perfectly understand of this methold("aug. center") could you tell me how to work "aug. center"?



MohsenZand commented 1 year ago

Thank you! We start by choosing only a single center cell, and if the object center is close to any borders of the center cell (or it is not exactly in the center of the center cell), the center cell is augmented with its neighboring cells, i.e., the neighboring cells are considered as the object center as well. For example, if the object center is near to the top border of the center cell, the computation includes the center cell as well as the cells above it.