MoiseRousseau / SALOME-Voronoi

Interface between Salome and Vorpalite for polyhedral mesh generation
GNU General Public License v3.0
16 stars 2 forks source link

Exception for meshed sphere #2

Closed CsatiZoltan closed 1 year ago

CsatiZoltan commented 3 years ago

I successfully installed geogram and your plugin too. I created a sphere and then meshed it with the default settings of NETGEN 1D-2D-3D. Then I created a filter to obtain the boundary triangles of the mesh. Calling the Voronoi plugin gives me the following error:

Screenshot from 2021-04-29 23-46-33

The following is written to the terminal:


    Export boundary mesh
    Export seeds
    Compute the clipped Voronoi Diagram

|                                                                              |
| o-[config      ] Configuration file name:geogram.ini                         |
|                  Home directory:/home/zoltan                                 |
| o-[I/O         ] Output = /home/zoltan/.config/salome/Plugins/SALOME-Voronoi |
|                  /out.ovm                                                    |
 _/ =====[Polyhedral meshing]===== \___________________________________________
|                                                                              |
| o-[I/O         ] Loading file /home/zoltan/.config/salome/Plugins/SALOME-Vor |
|                  onoi/boundary.obj...                                        |
|                  (FP64) nb_v:65 nb_e:0 nb_f:106 nb_b:0 tri:1 dim:3           |
|                  Attributes on vertices: point[3]                            |
| o-[Poly        ] Mesh is not a volume                                        |
|                  Trying to tetrahedralize                                    |
| o-[TetMeshing  ] Tetrahedralizing...                                         |
|                  (FP64) nb_v:65 nb_e:0 nb_f:106 nb_b:0 tri:1 dim:3           |
|                   nb_tets:184                                                |
|                  Attributes on vertices: point[3]                            |
 _/ =====[Generate random samples]===== \______________________________________
|                                                                              |
| o-[RVD         ] Computing initial sampling in volume, using dimension=3     |
 _/ =====[Optimize sampling]===== \____________________________________________
|                                                                              |
| o-[Lloyd       ] Elapsed time: 0.67s                                         |
| o-[Newton      ] Elapsed time: 4.42s                                         |
| o-[Poly        ] Warning: Speficied file format does not handle ids (use .ge |
|                  ogram or .geogram_ascii instead)                            |
| o-[I/O         ] Saving file /home/zoltan/.config/salome/Plugins/SALOME-Voro |
|                  noi/out.ovm...                                              |
| o-[Total time  ] Elapsed time: 9.43 s                                        |

    Import the results
Add point
Merge coincident node
Build half-edges
Build half-faces
Build polyhedrons
    Create groups from seeds mesh

I have Salome 9.4.0 installed on Ubuntu 18.04.

MoiseRousseau commented 3 years ago

Hi! I could reproduce the problem. It seems you have check the box "Create groups from seeds mesh" without providing a seeds mesh. However, this option is to create groups for the Voronoi mesh and based on the node groups of the seeds mesh. If you uncheck this box, you will see your mesh without error. I need to add a test to avoid getting such an error. Thanks for your error report! Moise

CsatiZoltan commented 3 years ago


Thanks, now it works nicely!

I think it would be useful if you enabled the Discussions for this repository for general questions and proposals.

MoiseRousseau commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the tip about the discussion section, I didn't know we could do that! I enabled it.