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The Vapouring/Smigglerettening REBORN #2374

Closed TheRealScarHomie closed 1 year ago

TheRealScarHomie commented 1 year ago


Ports pollution and renames it to vapour from uhhh, here:

Currently affects fires, barrel fires, corpses and various smells, the baseline for future expansion. Also adds in a new turf fire system thatll be moved too in the future.

No more indoor firepits, you will DIE if the area is not properly ventilated. It even travels up Z levels n shit.

Bodies give off miasma after about an hour, corpse disposal is key.

Numbers are fully tweaked and GOOD TO GO

image image


A massive overhaul and implementation to cigarettes, with complete new functionality, states and usage: A Brief rundown of what they do, You gain benefits for smoking per cigarette, after its effects run out you suffer the comedown effects. Chain smoking is not a good idea (just like real life!!) Different types of smigglerettes have slightly different effects




scissors??? rope??? drying racks??? tons of random stuff and fixes, absolute carnage to atomisation

Hekzder commented 1 year ago

cereal guy image

ChungusGamer666 commented 1 year ago


ProfessorPopoff commented 1 year ago

inhale sounds are comically loud, same with the ciggie burning in general. cut that down 70% nshh...

TheRealScarHomie commented 1 year ago

Okay its actually done now guys

ProfessorPopoff commented 1 year ago

Dropping stuff here so you don't forget :)

Drying is iffy for some things. Drying doesn't seem to ever finish in general, and you can't hang Xander up to dry, even though I see you had it as a subtype.

There's a runtime when you fish out cigarettes from a vending machine

Cigarettes should have nicotine overdose toned back a LITTLE BIT maybe. But we'll see in full tests.

Washing paper doesn't actually give you rolling paper

more tbd

ProfessorPopoff commented 1 year ago

There's currently a really big issue where the visuals of a vapour, or at least the one visible one we have right now, will fluctuate its visuals rapidly. I thought for a while that it was despawning itself and spawning back in, but you can go into a room that is half empty of smoke and start choking to death.. 3532b16208ce66dbb83d667129e80c0b

Hekzder commented 1 year ago


Hekzder commented 1 year ago

This is so freaking awesome