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Adds in the Medical sprites from Infra, Improvises some code up. #279

Closed ProfessorPopoff closed 3 years ago

ProfessorPopoff commented 3 years ago


I've gone ahead and added in the sprites, kept them organized and whatnot. Due to the fact how stack medicals work, I had to rig up some official placeholder sprites.

Apparently Hekzder and Infra are extremely adamant on the Medical Kit and Doctor Bag being consumables for some reason, but that's not how i've added them. Rather than making them sutures with a sprite that doesn't fit the purpose, i've made them containers. So instead of the clinic needing TG first aid kit to hold their supplies, they can have it. Instead of a TG surgical duffle bag, they can use their doctor bag.

Past this point it's really out of my hands but i'm still absolutely taking it to the grave that that's one of most preposterous things i've ever heard. Anyways. This is what's added. image

Not Pictured: Tourniquets. Someone else may have to pick them up, I couldn't find a reasonable thing to do with them, and I lack the coding knowledge to do anything too terribly unique. This is the complete sprite list.


Mannybrado commented 3 years ago

Epic container. Incredible Red Checks all over. WTF?!!

Hekzder commented 3 years ago

It's never at any point been suggested that we expect or plan to have people use base TG surgical tool kits in the event we use the doctor's bag and med kit as a consumable. I'm not sure where this is coming from. I still firmly stand that using it as a consumable is perfectly fine and having it be a container doesn't fit any kind of niche, doesn't make sense, and isn't the original intention for the sprite.

I'll take a closer look at the PR later on, but that's just my main initial thought and problem. I do agree in regards to not knowing what to do with tourniquets. I have some ideas but they either don't fill an important niche at all and/or aren't included in what most TG stack medical already does, making the code a bit more complicated for it.

Koshenko commented 3 years ago

We can worry about the exact implementation of the bags later. This at least gets the sprite assets in and implemented.