Mojtabarezaei4 / Queueomatic

A queue system that can be used for educational purposes or for any other situations where prioritization of individuals is necessary.
MIT License
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Create custom error page #110

Closed FabianAronsson closed 1 year ago

FabianAronsson commented 1 year ago

This page should show whenever someone is trying to access a page that they do not have the authorization for or if they accidentally try to access a page that does not exist.

So a 404 page essentially.

It should show that something went wrong. It does not have to be very precise. This would be a nice addition since the base error page is not very visually pleasing.

Mojtabarezaei4 commented 1 year ago

Very good point!

Should we make one for every type of status code? Or just one for all?

FabianAronsson commented 1 year ago

One for all. If it is possible to know why you reach the page you could make a generic page for any status code.