MokhaLeee / fe8u-cskillsys-kernel

Morden c-skillsystem for fireemblem8u
6 stars 4 forks source link

Skill - Petrify #129

Closed JesterWizard closed 2 weeks ago

JesterWizard commented 2 weeks ago

Apply the stone status to the enem unit (Skill % activation).

MokhaLeee commented 2 weeks ago

Find on how other parts of the kernel code give debuff status and then modify this PR again.

JesterWizard commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not seeing the problem. If it's because I didn't use defender->statusOut that's because it straight up doesn't work. I need to write the status back to the unit struct for it to persist and I'm guessing defender->statusOut doesn't.

If it's something else I'm all ears.

MokhaLeee commented 2 weeks ago


JesterWizard commented 2 weeks ago

Can't get it to work any other way. I'll just close.