MokhaLeee / fe8u-cskillsys-kernel

Morden c-skillsystem for fireemblem8u
6 stars 4 forks source link

Skill - SuperLuck #134

Closed JesterWizard closed 2 weeks ago

JesterWizard commented 2 weeks ago

Use luck for base crit rate instead of skill / 2.

Now I would have preferred to have this in BattleCalcReal.c in ComputeBattleUnitEffectiveCritRate but that doesn't seem to be set up. So I had to put it in PreBattleCalc.c instead and subtract the old crit rate.

MokhaLeee commented 2 weeks ago

This isn't a particularly good functionality, but the skill itself is worth merging in. I'll make changes after merging it in.