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No results produced after Denovo Run #9

Open xy127 opened 1 year ago

xy127 commented 1 year ago


I set up my system and procedure same as tutorial. (protein and initial fragment is different) But after the run finished, there is no Results folder. I did get some files produced: vmdGen.tcl, MAICGrid.dat, tmpLigands.mol2, and denovo.log. temLigands.mol2 contains 2900 molecules, mostly fragments.

denovo.log prints

`# Project leader: Qifeng Bai, the official site of MolAICal: or #

Now generate Grids...... Now read atom, bond, etc parameters...... Total read fragments: 67. Now read generated Grids...... Now initial starting fragment...... 0 [main] INFO net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager - Loading global configuration 4 [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager - Loading defaults: jar:file:/home/ubuntu/user_space/MolAICal-linux64/MolAICal_lib/cdk-2.1.1.jar!/META-INF/jnati/jnati.default-properties 5 [main] INFO net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager - Loading artefact configuration: jniinchi-1.03_1 6 [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager - Loading instance defaults: jar:file:/home/ubuntu/user_space/MolAICal-linux64/MolAICal_lib/cdk-2.1.1.jar!/META-INF/jnati/jnati.instance.default-properties 8 [main] INFO net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.ClasspathRepository - Searching classpath for: jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64 10 [main] INFO net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.LocalRepository - Searching local repository for: jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64 10 [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.LocalRepository - Artefact path: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64 11 [main] INFO net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ManifestReader - Reading manifest 36 [main] INFO net.sf.jnati.deploy.NativeArtefactLocator - Artefact (jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64) location: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64 36 [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.NativeLibraryLoader - Loading library: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64/ ################################################################# Pop size: 119 Minimum molecular weight: 60; Maximum molecular weight: 252; Average molecular weight: 142; Lowest affinity: 0.11 kcal/mol; Highest affinity: 1.92 kcal/mol; Average affinity: 0.84 kcal/mol; ################################################################# The 1th cycle start at: 16:11:35 2023-04-20 Top 119 root ligands are chosen. Top 11 elite ligands are chosen. ################################################################# Pop size: 2567 Minimum molecular weight: 60; Maximum molecular weight: 431; Average molecular weight: 217; Lowest affinity: 0.11 kcal/mol; Highest affinity: 3.06 kcal/mol; Average affinity: 1.28 kcal/mol; ################################################################# Storing the 1th cycle result...... The 2th cycle start at: 17:13:29 2023-04-20 Top 200 root ligands are chosen. Top 256 elite ligands are chosen. ################################################################# Pop size: 2265 Minimum molecular weight: 60; Maximum molecular weight: 518; Average molecular weight: 215; Lowest affinity: 0.11 kcal/mol; Highest affinity: 4.01 kcal/mol; Average affinity: 1.10 kcal/mol; ################################################################# Storing the 2th cycle result...... '

Where is the problem?

MolAICal commented 1 year ago

Please see your results:

Lowest affinity: 0.11 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: 4.01 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: 1.10 kcal/mol;

The lowest affinity is not negative. It seems that it does not generate the good ligands. Please check: 1) Is the selected center point in the receptor pocket? And are the box lengths suitable? 2) Some pockets of receptors are narrow. The quantity and diversity of growth fragments are not enough. Please use Pymol or ucsf chimera to check the pocket of the receptor. If the pocket seems to be narrow when initial fragment is located in the pocket, it will not have population generation because there is no space for fragment growth. 3) At last, if you want to get results, you can increase the cutoff value for selection. Modify parameters in configure file such as "InputParFileAI.dat": selBindingScore -3 to selBindingScore 3

xy127 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I found the center of box was set incorrectly. After changing, the binding energy become as low as -12 Kcal/mol , but I still don't get Results folder. The selBindingScore was still -3. I wonder where the default directory for Result is. In the input file, # moloutputdir is commented. I checked the PID of job, it is no longer there.



Please see the pasted results for denovo.log

################################################################# Pop size: 136 Minimum molecular weight: 150; Maximum molecular weight: 342; Average molecular weight: 198; Lowest affinity: -5.59 kcal/mol; Highest affinity: -2.93 kcal/mol; Average affinity: -3.60 kcal/mol; ################################################################# The 1th cycle start at: 14:34:15 2023-04-21 Top 134 root ligands are chosen. Top 13 elite ligands are chosen. ################################################################# Pop size: 2013 Minimum molecular weight: 164; Maximum molecular weight: 468; Average molecular weight: 255; Lowest affinity: -7.91 kcal/mol; Highest affinity: -2.66 kcal/mol; Average affinity: -4.29 kcal/mol; ################################################################# Storing the 1th cycle result...... The 2th cycle start at: 17:10:04 2023-04-21 Top 200 root ligands are chosen. Top 201 elite ligands are chosen. ################################################################# Pop size: 1411 Minimum molecular weight: 192; Maximum molecular weight: 484; Average molecular weight: 306; Lowest affinity: -9.50 kcal/mol; Highest affinity: -2.97 kcal/mol; Average affinity: -5.75 kcal/mol; ################################################################# Storing the 2th cycle result...... The 3th cycle start at: 18:59:11 2023-04-21 Top 200 root ligands are chosen. Top 141 elite ligands are chosen. ################################################################# Pop size: 1078 Minimum molecular weight: 221; Maximum molecular weight: 578; Average molecular weight: 363; Lowest affinity: -12.10 kcal/mol; Highest affinity: -3.91 kcal/mol; Average affinity: -7.41 kcal/mol; ################################################################# Storing the 3th cycle result...... The 4th cycle start at: 20:35:32 2023-04-21 Top 200 root ligands are chosen. Top 107 elite ligands are chosen. ################################################################# Pop size: 823 Minimum molecular weight: 281; Maximum molecular weight: 637; Average molecular weight: 427; Lowest affinity: -12.94 kcal/mol; Highest affinity: -4.57 kcal/mol; Average affinity: -9.03 kcal/mol; #################################################################

MolAICal commented 1 year ago

Did you finish all the running cycles? For example, the number cycle of example I supplied in file "InputParFileAI.dat" is 30:

numCycleGen 30

If you want to get results quickly, you can reduce 30 to 3. But I recommend 30 for scientific study.

xy127 commented 1 year ago

No, the program stopped at Cycle 3, as the denovo.log suggested, while the input was set as cycle 30. I started another run and this time stopped at Cycle 2. There was no error message at all. It just stopped there. I will try to change the input cycle to 3. But I don't think it will solve the issue.

My Ubuntu version is 18.04.2. And java is from Molaical: image

MolAICal commented 1 year ago

Please upload the log file "denovo.log" in Github after compressing it into .zip format. I can check it for you.

And if there are no errors in "denovo.log" at all. You can try to run command directly without background:

#> molaical.exe -denovo grow -i InputParFile.dat

Then check whether molaical will stop at cycle 2 on linux console.

If it still stops at cycle 2, please paste the screenshot in Github. I will check it.

xy127 commented 1 year ago Hello, the cycle stopped at each run is different. The last time I try is cycle 4. I attached all the input scripts and temporary files produced The command I performed the program is nohup /home/ubuntu/user_space/MolAICal-linux64/molaical.exe -denovo grow -i InputParFile.dat>denovo.log &

I will try your command and come back latter

Thank you.

xy127 commented 1 year ago

Hello, This is the output if I use your command: #> molaical.exe -denovo grow -i InputParFile.dat image It was not killed by me.

MolAICal commented 1 year ago

put input command as follow, and give me a screenshot: free -h

Besides, is your own computer? it is weird for killing operation without any warning!

xy127 commented 1 year ago

Did you finish all the running cycles? For example, the number cycle of example I supplied in file "InputParFileAI.dat" is 30:

numCycleGen 30

If you want to get results quickly, you can reduce 30 to 3. But I recommend 30 for scientific study.

After setting numCycleGen 3 , it still have some problems, see below:

# Project leader: Qifeng Bai, the official site of MolAICal: or #

Now generate Grids......
Now read atom, bond, etc parameters......
Total read fragments: 67.
Now read generated Grids......
Now initial starting fragment......
0    [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading global configuration
4    [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading defaults: jar:file:/home/ubuntu/user_space/MolAICal-linux64/MolAICal_lib/cdk-2.1.1.jar!/META-INF/jnati/jnati.default-properties
5    [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading artefact configuration: jniinchi-1.03_1
7    [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading instance defaults: jar:file:/home/ubuntu/user_space/MolAICal-linux64/MolAICal_lib/cdk-2.1.1.jar!/META-INF/jnati/jnati.instance.default-properties
9    [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.ClasspathRepository  - Searching classpath for: jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64
20   [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.LocalRepository  - Searching local repository for: jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64
20   [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.LocalRepository  - Artefact path: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64
21   [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ManifestReader  - Reading manifest
51   [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.NativeArtefactLocator  - Artefact (jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64) location: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64
51   [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.NativeLibraryLoader  - Loading library: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64/
Pop size: 137
Minimum molecular weight: 150;
Maximum molecular weight: 342;
Average molecular weight: 198;
Lowest affinity: -4.78 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -2.93 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -3.58 kcal/mol;
The 1th cycle start at: 09:35:20 2023-04-24
Top 135 root ligands are chosen.
Top 13 elite ligands are chosen.
Pop size: 2033
Minimum molecular weight: 164;
Maximum molecular weight: 470;
Average molecular weight: 252;
Lowest affinity: -8.00 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -2.45 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -4.28 kcal/mol;
Storing the 1th cycle result......
The 2th cycle start at: 12:09:28 2023-04-24
Top 200 root ligands are chosen.
Top 203 elite ligands are chosen.
Pop size: 1202
Minimum molecular weight: 196;
Maximum molecular weight: 506;
Average molecular weight: 303;
Lowest affinity: -9.15 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -3.29 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -5.83 kcal/mol;
Storing the 2th cycle result......
The 3th cycle start at: 13:32:19 2023-04-24
Top 200 root ligands are chosen.
Top 120 elite ligands are chosen.
Pop size: 1306
Minimum molecular weight: 222;
Maximum molecular weight: 606;
Average molecular weight: 365;
Lowest affinity: -11.36 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -3.47 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -7.24 kcal/mol;
Storing the 3th cycle result......
Cycle ends at: 15:16:33 2023-04-24
Now start to output ligand grow results......
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at Denovo.Grow.LigGrow.AnalysisPOP.analyzePopulation(
    at Denovo.Grow.LigGrow.MainGrow.runningGrow(
    at MolAICal.MolAICal.main(
xy127 commented 1 year ago

put input command as follow, and give me a screenshot: free -h

Besides, is your own computer? it is weird for killing operation without any warning!


I am running script on a remote machine.

MolAICal commented 1 year ago

Did you finish all the running cycles? For example, the number cycle of example I supplied in file "InputParFileAI.dat" is 30: numCycleGen 30 If you want to get results quickly, you can reduce 30 to 3. But I recommend 30 for scientific study.

After setting numCycleGen 3 , it still have some problems, see below:

# Project leader: Qifeng Bai, the official site of MolAICal: or #

Now generate Grids......
Now read atom, bond, etc parameters......
Total read fragments: 67.
Now read generated Grids......
Now initial starting fragment......
0    [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading global configuration
4    [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading defaults: jar:file:/home/ubuntu/user_space/MolAICal-linux64/MolAICal_lib/cdk-2.1.1.jar!/META-INF/jnati/jnati.default-properties
5    [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading artefact configuration: jniinchi-1.03_1
7    [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading instance defaults: jar:file:/home/ubuntu/user_space/MolAICal-linux64/MolAICal_lib/cdk-2.1.1.jar!/META-INF/jnati/jnati.instance.default-properties
9    [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.ClasspathRepository  - Searching classpath for: jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64
20   [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.LocalRepository  - Searching local repository for: jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64
20   [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.LocalRepository  - Artefact path: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64
21   [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ManifestReader  - Reading manifest
51   [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.NativeArtefactLocator  - Artefact (jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64) location: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64
51   [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.NativeLibraryLoader  - Loading library: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64/
Pop size: 137
Minimum molecular weight: 150;
Maximum molecular weight: 342;
Average molecular weight: 198;
Lowest affinity: -4.78 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -2.93 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -3.58 kcal/mol;
The 1th cycle start at: 09:35:20 2023-04-24
Top 135 root ligands are chosen.
Top 13 elite ligands are chosen.
Pop size: 2033
Minimum molecular weight: 164;
Maximum molecular weight: 470;
Average molecular weight: 252;
Lowest affinity: -8.00 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -2.45 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -4.28 kcal/mol;
Storing the 1th cycle result......
The 2th cycle start at: 12:09:28 2023-04-24
Top 200 root ligands are chosen.
Top 203 elite ligands are chosen.
Pop size: 1202
Minimum molecular weight: 196;
Maximum molecular weight: 506;
Average molecular weight: 303;
Lowest affinity: -9.15 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -3.29 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -5.83 kcal/mol;
Storing the 2th cycle result......
The 3th cycle start at: 13:32:19 2023-04-24
Top 200 root ligands are chosen.
Top 120 elite ligands are chosen.
Pop size: 1306
Minimum molecular weight: 222;
Maximum molecular weight: 606;
Average molecular weight: 365;
Lowest affinity: -11.36 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -3.47 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -7.24 kcal/mol;
Storing the 3th cycle result......
Cycle ends at: 15:16:33 2023-04-24
Now start to output ligand grow results......
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
  at Denovo.Grow.LigGrow.AnalysisPOP.analyzePopulation(
  at Denovo.Grow.LigGrow.MainGrow.runningGrow(
  at MolAICal.MolAICal.main(

Please compress your results and upload it into Github. I can help you check it.

xy127 commented 1 year ago

Did you finish all the running cycles? For example, the number cycle of example I supplied in file "InputParFileAI.dat" is 30: numCycleGen 30 If you want to get results quickly, you can reduce 30 to 3. But I recommend 30 for scientific study.

After setting numCycleGen 3 , it still have some problems, see below:

# Project leader: Qifeng Bai, the official site of MolAICal: or #

Now generate Grids......
Now read atom, bond, etc parameters......
Total read fragments: 67.
Now read generated Grids......
Now initial starting fragment......
0    [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading global configuration
4    [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading defaults: jar:file:/home/ubuntu/user_space/MolAICal-linux64/MolAICal_lib/cdk-2.1.1.jar!/META-INF/jnati/jnati.default-properties
5    [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading artefact configuration: jniinchi-1.03_1
7    [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading instance defaults: jar:file:/home/ubuntu/user_space/MolAICal-linux64/MolAICal_lib/cdk-2.1.1.jar!/META-INF/jnati/jnati.instance.default-properties
9    [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.ClasspathRepository  - Searching classpath for: jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64
20   [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.LocalRepository  - Searching local repository for: jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64
20   [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.LocalRepository  - Artefact path: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64
21   [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ManifestReader  - Reading manifest
51   [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.NativeArtefactLocator  - Artefact (jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64) location: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64
51   [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.NativeLibraryLoader  - Loading library: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64/
Pop size: 137
Minimum molecular weight: 150;
Maximum molecular weight: 342;
Average molecular weight: 198;
Lowest affinity: -4.78 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -2.93 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -3.58 kcal/mol;
The 1th cycle start at: 09:35:20 2023-04-24
Top 135 root ligands are chosen.
Top 13 elite ligands are chosen.
Pop size: 2033
Minimum molecular weight: 164;
Maximum molecular weight: 470;
Average molecular weight: 252;
Lowest affinity: -8.00 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -2.45 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -4.28 kcal/mol;
Storing the 1th cycle result......
The 2th cycle start at: 12:09:28 2023-04-24
Top 200 root ligands are chosen.
Top 203 elite ligands are chosen.
Pop size: 1202
Minimum molecular weight: 196;
Maximum molecular weight: 506;
Average molecular weight: 303;
Lowest affinity: -9.15 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -3.29 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -5.83 kcal/mol;
Storing the 2th cycle result......
The 3th cycle start at: 13:32:19 2023-04-24
Top 200 root ligands are chosen.
Top 120 elite ligands are chosen.
Pop size: 1306
Minimum molecular weight: 222;
Maximum molecular weight: 606;
Average molecular weight: 365;
Lowest affinity: -11.36 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -3.47 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -7.24 kcal/mol;
Storing the 3th cycle result......
Cycle ends at: 15:16:33 2023-04-24
Now start to output ligand grow results......
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at Denovo.Grow.LigGrow.AnalysisPOP.analyzePopulation(
    at Denovo.Grow.LigGrow.MainGrow.runningGrow(
    at MolAICal.MolAICal.main(

Please compress your results and upload it into Github. I can help you check it.

MolAICal commented 1 year ago

Did you finish all the running cycles? For example, the number cycle of example I supplied in file "InputParFileAI.dat" is 30: numCycleGen 30 If you want to get results quickly, you can reduce 30 to 3. But I recommend 30 for scientific study.

After setting numCycleGen 3 , it still have some problems, see below:

# Project leader: Qifeng Bai, the official site of MolAICal: or #

Now generate Grids......
Now read atom, bond, etc parameters......
Total read fragments: 67.
Now read generated Grids......
Now initial starting fragment......
0    [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading global configuration
4    [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading defaults: jar:file:/home/ubuntu/user_space/MolAICal-linux64/MolAICal_lib/cdk-2.1.1.jar!/META-INF/jnati/jnati.default-properties
5    [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading artefact configuration: jniinchi-1.03_1
7    [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ConfigManager  - Loading instance defaults: jar:file:/home/ubuntu/user_space/MolAICal-linux64/MolAICal_lib/cdk-2.1.1.jar!/META-INF/jnati/jnati.instance.default-properties
9    [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.ClasspathRepository  - Searching classpath for: jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64
20   [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.LocalRepository  - Searching local repository for: jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64
20   [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.repository.LocalRepository  - Artefact path: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64
21   [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.artefact.ManifestReader  - Reading manifest
51   [main] INFO  net.sf.jnati.deploy.NativeArtefactLocator  - Artefact (jniinchi-1.03_1-LINUX-AMD64) location: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64
51   [main] DEBUG net.sf.jnati.deploy.NativeLibraryLoader  - Loading library: /home/ubuntu/.jnati/repo/jniinchi/1.03_1/LINUX-AMD64/
Pop size: 137
Minimum molecular weight: 150;
Maximum molecular weight: 342;
Average molecular weight: 198;
Lowest affinity: -4.78 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -2.93 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -3.58 kcal/mol;
The 1th cycle start at: 09:35:20 2023-04-24
Top 135 root ligands are chosen.
Top 13 elite ligands are chosen.
Pop size: 2033
Minimum molecular weight: 164;
Maximum molecular weight: 470;
Average molecular weight: 252;
Lowest affinity: -8.00 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -2.45 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -4.28 kcal/mol;
Storing the 1th cycle result......
The 2th cycle start at: 12:09:28 2023-04-24
Top 200 root ligands are chosen.
Top 203 elite ligands are chosen.
Pop size: 1202
Minimum molecular weight: 196;
Maximum molecular weight: 506;
Average molecular weight: 303;
Lowest affinity: -9.15 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -3.29 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -5.83 kcal/mol;
Storing the 2th cycle result......
The 3th cycle start at: 13:32:19 2023-04-24
Top 200 root ligands are chosen.
Top 120 elite ligands are chosen.
Pop size: 1306
Minimum molecular weight: 222;
Maximum molecular weight: 606;
Average molecular weight: 365;
Lowest affinity: -11.36 kcal/mol;
Highest affinity: -3.47 kcal/mol;
Average affinity: -7.24 kcal/mol;
Storing the 3th cycle result......
Cycle ends at: 15:16:33 2023-04-24
Now start to output ligand grow results......
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
  at Denovo.Grow.LigGrow.AnalysisPOP.analyzePopulation(
  at Denovo.Grow.LigGrow.MainGrow.runningGrow(
  at MolAICal.MolAICal.main(

Please compress your results and upload it into Github. I can help you check it.

Could you delete file "tmpLigands.mol2" in your workdir and re-run MolAICal for denovo?

If you still find something wrong, please compress your results and upload it into Github. I wait for your message.

MolAICal commented 1 year ago

Is your problem solved by following the above suggestion?