MolecularCartography / Optimus

Workflow for LC-MS feature analysis and spatial mapping
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examples file #6

Closed jeep3 closed 6 years ago

jeep3 commented 6 years ago

Hi iprotsyuk I have a question to consult you. when i study the video of GNPS Trinity workflow(, The Optimus workflow contain some examples file in this video. However, I can not to find corresponding file in the new version of Optimus(, such as, groupmapping file and stub.txt.Could you give me this information? Thanks a lot.


iprotsyuk commented 6 years ago

Hi @jeep3,

Let me know if anything isn't clear.

iprotsyuk commented 6 years ago

Btw, we've recently got a paper on Optimus accepted to Nature Protocols. It should be out pretty soon. The paper contains references and explanation of all parameters and input files. I'll keep you posted once it's available.

jeep3 commented 6 years ago

OK,thank you.

jeep3 commented 6 years ago

Hi,@iprotsyuk you paper have accepted, so, Just Accepted Manuscripts(For example, the ACS analytical chemistry) can be download?

iprotsyuk commented 6 years ago

@jeep3, no, unfortunately, it's not available since I haven't got final proofs yet from the journal. I'll let you know once the paper appears online in any capacity.

iprotsyuk commented 6 years ago

@jeep3, sorry for such a delayed response, but our Optimus paper was out a few months ago. Here it is:

I'm closing the issue for the time being. Feel free to reopen if you have any questions