Molkobain / itop-datacenter-view

Extension for iTop: Easily manage & visualize your racks, enclosures and datacenter devices.
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Tab "Graphical view" shows only grayed fields #19

Closed marcin-github closed 1 year ago

marcin-github commented 1 year ago

Hello! I'm using: itopl - 3.0.1 /molkobain-datacenter-view - 1.11.0 with nginx + php-fpm. Tab "graphical view" displays only grayed squared and circles. Dev console shows that request https://xxx/env-production/molkobain-datacenter-view/console/ajax.render.php?class=Rack&id=1680&operation=render_tab&edit_mode= gets http code 404. I turn on debug in config0itop.php:

                'enabled' => true,
                'debug' => true,

but nothing new appeared in log/error.log. What could be a reason of this issue?

Molkobain commented 1 year ago

Hello Marcin,

If the request returns with a 404 HTTP code, it is most likely a web server configuration issue. I'm not familiar with nginx but you should look that way.

Have you looked at the iTop error log just in case.

Cheers, Guillaume

marcin-github commented 1 year ago

Hah, it was so obvious that I just ignored this 404. This behaviour was due tu implementing security tips from Thank you!

Molkobain commented 1 year ago

Glad you fixed it! Out of curiosity, which tip caused the issue?

marcin-github commented 1 year ago

env-* : allow only files having one of those extensions : css|scss|js|map|png|bmp|gif|jpe?g|svg|tiff|woff2?|ttf|eot|html

so I didn't pass .php files to php interpreter.

Molkobain commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback