Molns / molns

MOLNs: a cloud appliance for systems biology applications
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Export provider/controller setting #59

Closed ahellander closed 8 years ago

ahellander commented 8 years ago

Would be nice with molns export

so that we can easily export all setting as a file/db so that the same settings can be conveniently deployed by abother molns client.

briandrawert commented 8 years ago

This functionality exists, type: molns controller export NAME where "NAME" is the name of your controller. This will create a file in your current working directory named: Molns-Export-Controller-NAME.json

ahellander commented 8 years ago

Aha, my bad.

Can we also create a controller by specifying the json-file?

briandrawert commented 8 years ago

Yup! molns controller import Molns-Export-Controller-NAME.json will create a controller with the info from the JSON file.

briandrawert commented 8 years ago

This pattern is true of providers and workers as well.