Mon-Ouie / pry-remote

Connect to Pry remotely
639 stars 81 forks source link

sleep #59

Open viniciustorves opened 9 years ago

viniciustorves commented 9 years ago

Hi guys, from time to time. this error appears: [ruby vtorves @ myproject] $ pry-remote ^ C / usr / local / lib / ruby ​​/ gems / 2.1.0 / gems / pry-remote-0.1.8 / lib / pry-remote.rb: 307: in sleep ': Interrupt          /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/pry-from-remote-0.1.8/lib/pry remote.rb:307:inrun '          /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/pry-from-remote-0.1.8/bin/pry remote:4:in <top (required)> '          from / usr / local / bin / pry-remote: 23: inload '          from / usr / local / bin / pry-remote: 23: in `


I can go back to normal just by restarting the machine. can help me?

viniciustorves commented 9 years ago


igorffs commented 9 years ago
