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🖥️ Custom Flask + Jinja2 static site generator and content powering
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July 21 Issues list #29

Open LukaKnez opened 4 years ago

LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

The slug for "Projects" in the menu should be "/projects". It is "/cases" now. image

LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

I'd like to see more space between the rows, please.

Also, not sure if the button is in the right place as per our design? Please check :)

There was an arrow in the bottom middle of the screen - I told Henry to remove it, but I'd rather have it there in the end. Could you bring it back please?


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

This should be symmetrical


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

A bit more space between two bullet points here


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

Fix the hyperlink on this button, please


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

Please remove dots on headlines and leave them on subheadlines; not just here, but everywhere


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

Please make the logos the same size, headlines, and all elements at the same level.


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

Please make the height between 2 elements the same. For example between the sub-headline and the button and the button and the text below.


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

We can remove this completely for now


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

Is this overlapping in the original design?


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

I'd like to see the same distance between the headline and subheadline and the subheadline and the next element. The same thing everywhere.


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

Remove this completely


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

Elements height should be in line and symmetrical + missing buttons here


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

Same distance between 2 elements here


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

There is some weird border around the photo

Could photos be automatically resized to fit the window and not stretched like this? Even if that means seeing just the middle of the photo


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

can logos here be in the middle of these circles?


LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

No capslock here


hapm-developer commented 4 years ago

Fix the hyperlink on this button, please


@LukaKnez Can you tell me the page? I found 3 of these buttons and all of them have the link

hapm-developer commented 4 years ago

can logos here be in the middle of these circles?


I think they are in the middle, but in look wrong because the n is smaller than i, but it's in the middle

LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

Fix the hyperlink on this button, please image

@LukaKnez Can you tell me the page? I found 3 of these buttons and all of them have the link

Can't see it anymore. I'll let you know if I find it.

LukaKnez commented 4 years ago

can logos here be in the middle of these circles? image

I think they are in the middle, but in look wrong because the n is smaller than i, but it's in the middle

The Twitter bird, "f" and "ln" are not in the middle. That's what I meant.