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posts/moving-to-linux-desktop #54

Open utterances-bot opened 4 years ago

utterances-bot commented 4 years ago

Monadical Consulting | The Year of the Linux Desktop

The year of the Linux desktop has arrived. This is a guide for how to improve the Linux desktop experience.

pirate commented 4 years ago

Nice note about the clipboard manager, it's one of my most-used pieces of software in general so I'm glad to see there are linux solutions.

dobleuber commented 4 years ago

I would have liked to have this guide before... I did the same change, and yes... It takes a lot of time to get used to linux. Thanks

pirate commented 3 years ago

For more info about support for linux on modern MacBooks check out this repo that's updated often:

mikelpr commented 3 years ago

there's a scaling section in the display preferences of gnome settings

nshrine commented 3 years ago

Why did you stop using your "great 2010-2012 Macbook Pro that still rocks"? Why buy a 2014 model? I'm still using my 2012 Macbook Pro.

hrqmonteiro commented 3 years ago

Nice article. Just a tip: Pop_OS is not a reference when it comes to distros without "unnecessary software", i.e. bloat. If you really want something withou bloat, one should go with Arch, Artix or Void, in which you literally only install the packages you will use. All of the major distros like Pop, Mint, Debian, Fedora etcetera will come with more than two thousand packages installed. And most of them are bloats.

preslavrachev commented 3 years ago

Hi, JD, another recent macOS-to-Linux-on-Mac switcher here ( I just wanted to thank you for the nice collection of tips you've got here. Had I known about some of those when I started, I would have had an even smoother ride.

In general though, I cannot complain at all. I have been dual-running Ubuntu 20.04 and macOS on my 2015 MBP for slightly more than a week. I am very happy with how many of the tricky things reported by others did not turn out in my case. Yeah, there's the usual annoying Cmd-CTRL stuff, or the fact that the trackpad and the magic mouse don't feel super snappy, and of course, multi-display resolutions. Overall, all those things seem fixable, given that I spend some time and find other posts like yours. Since I spend most of my day in VS Code or looking at a terminal however, they don't seem to bother me too much (yet) ;)