Monash-Connected-Autonomous-Vehicle / ENV200-Shadow-Repo

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Lidar #2

Closed hubdwoo closed 8 months ago

hubdwoo commented 9 months ago
hubdwoo commented 9 months ago

From Notion

Velodyne vlp32 (Lidar)


dylan-gonzalez commented 8 months ago

Connected the Velodyne Driver box to the Teltonika Router Reachable on

sudo apt install ros-humble-velodyne

The Velodyne LiDAR is VLP32C-B. Run the driver which will publish raw packets, /velodyne_packets. ros2 launch velodyne_driver

Run the transform-node which converts /velodyne_packets to /velodyne_points. ros2 launch velodyne_pointcloud

To visualise in RVIZ, make sure to set your fixed frame to /velodyne.


dylan-gonzalez commented 7 months ago

LiDAR currently does not turn on through the power management console since reflashing the ECU. Contacted Streetdrone about it.