Monash-Connected-Autonomous-Vehicle / ESDA

Software stack for MCAVs annual IGVC entry
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Swift Navigation kit driver and launch #23

Closed AbBaSaMo closed 5 months ago

AbBaSaMo commented 5 months ago

Refer to the following repository

AbBaSaMo commented 5 months ago

Following resources are for the swift piksi multi [i.e. what I've been referring to as the swift nav kit]

Overview of the piksi

Product specs

The evaluation board - the big blue one on the bottom

Using the piksi

Using ROS with the Piksi

AbBaSaMo commented 5 months ago
Jiawei-Liao commented 5 months ago

@dylan-gonzalez do you know how to get the lidar ethernet connection to work? I've tried plugging it into my own laptop but it just says ethernet unplugged and not connected. I've followed the instructions on notion and the manual, changing the ip address and subnet mask but it doesn't help.

AbBaSaMo commented 5 months ago

No issues running swifts 1st party driver. The only change in config file is that we specify the device communication type as USB/serial which is a value of 2


Need to test outside where the antenna can receive GPS signals though as only IMU is priovided and the other message types are not outputting.

AbBaSaMo commented 5 months ago

Navsatfix is now publishing as well as twistwithcovariancestamped.



The issue was the set of sbp messages the piksi multi was configured to send. We need imu to be set as true and the sbp messages as outlined in the driver repo readme to be specified in the UART1 settings.

Having issues setting this to specific sbp messages though. Only default and no entry [which means all types] can be saved. Maybe I'm not formatting it correctly. Eitherway, blank works.