Monash-Connected-Autonomous-Vehicle / ESDA

Software stack for MCAVs annual IGVC entry
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Sensor integration testing #51

Open AbBaSaMo opened 1 month ago

AbBaSaMo commented 1 month ago
AbBaSaMo commented 1 day ago

Sensors should be working. Should remind myself that the VLP16 needs 12V NOT 5V.

The new piksi does not work. Need a usb to reset to factory settings and see if it'll fix otherwise the old one still works thankfully.

AbBaSaMo commented 1 day ago

refactored code as lots of the pkgs we use don't allow for supplying a config so now I use forks

imu and vlp16 work. zed shows joint states and robot description but nothing else. I have to launch the perception package instead of just the zed wrapper anyway

need to lanch the sim file that plublishes joint states for robot loc and slam to work

AbBaSaMo commented 1 day ago

APpears to bve an issue with the following file


As not using it throws no errors


AbBaSaMo commented 3 hours ago


map is in line with zed cam, idky, need to consider that there will be a map from zed and from lidar and then a fused one maybe in the urdf or launch there is smth?? idk