Monash-Connected-Autonomous-Vehicle / ESDA

Software stack for MCAVs annual IGVC entry
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Implement parallelogram steering controller #7

Closed AbBaSaMo closed 4 months ago

AbBaSaMo commented 5 months ago

Refer to the docs here for writing a controller Refer to the following section as a prompt on how to calculate odom using encoder data,in%20ros2_control.

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

@Jokua @Jiawei-Liao

We are no longer using ros2_control so this issue has been updated. Your tasks are as follows:

The first 4 tasks should only take 10-15 minutes. The 5th task is relatively easy but will need you to confirm the min and max speeds for the motors as well as what unit of measurement you sent to the MCU chip @jaimasters The 6th task should build on top of the calculations and work @Jokua did so far

Jiawei-Liao commented 4 months ago

We started and completed most of this. Just need to confirm a few more things to finish.

Not sure on the MotorCommand and ServoPosition message types. Is it already created or do we need to make it ourselves. Also not sure on the contents in both.

Need to check with mechanical team (?) for limits of motor commands.

Are there any limits required for angular velocity? Also was not too sure what calculations are needed for the servo(s).

Pushed to ESDA repo on esda-control branch:

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

@Jiawei-Liao motor command is just the linear x component of the twist command you are reading from /cmd_vel so it's just a float. Confirmed this with Jai previously where the mcu does conversions to pwm and we only pass the linar velocity

For servoPosition, ask mechanical what the limits are for the servo i.e. the min angle and max angle it/the wheels or whatever can turn at and output that angle for now. Later on it'll have to be mapped but dw about the mapping, just output an int or float that is the angle.

Wdym limits for angular velocity? Did you mean limits for servo position?

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

@Jiawei-Liao @Jokua also a reminder to use conventional commit messages e.g. prefix the message with the type of commit [feat, fix, refactro, docs] followed by a descriptive commit message

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago might be useful

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

@dylan-gonzalez @AnthonyZhOon any resources Jiawei and Will can use to help them in converting angular velocity to steering angle for Ackermanns geometry and given the use of paralellogram steering?

AnthonyZhOon commented 4 months ago

I believe a parallelogram structure results in parallel, not ackermann steering but here's a simple paper on calculating and comparing them. If it's parallel, it should be pretty simple as calculate the turning radius from linear vel. perpendicular to circle centre and angular velocity, then converting to target steering angle assuming 0 slip. r = twist.linear.x / twist.angular.z maybe that gets messy but MATLAB org produces resources for this kind of thing which you just plug numbers into, probably easiest to use and they check things

Jiawei-Liao commented 4 months ago

Implemented dummy message contents, removed motor command limit check, implemented servo position publisher command

Questions we had: Are the message contents correct?

MotorCommand.msg: float64 left_wheel float64 right_wheel

ServoPosition.msg: float64 servo_position

Is the limit for wheel angle 46 in both directions or combined?

Assuming that for travelling in a straight line, servo position is 2000 (middle of 0 to 4000)

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

@Jiawei-Liao @Jokua

Ok so I don't think I mentioned this explicitly but i'll lay it out in dot points below


MCU_interface node

As for @Jokua 's quesiton on what I meant by limiting the 0-4000 range


AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

@Jokua @Jiawei-Liao also don't re-implement the setposition msg, just add DynamixelSDK as a rosdep or alternatively clone the repo into your workspace if the latter results in any issues and build their package along side yours to have access to the message

you'll have to import it in your python node to use it

Jiawei-Liao commented 4 months ago

Fixed to include changes noted above. Just to double check, do we need to publish another message/topic for linear velocity for mcu chip or does mcu chip take linear velocity directly from /cmd_vel. Also need to find out length between front and back wheels.

After that I think just testing then its finished.

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

No, dw about mcu chip or linear velocity. That will be done in another ROS node as part of another issue.

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

@Jokua @Jiawei-Liao

Writing here for the sake of it being in one place. Now that the controller is done, do the following:

In the future we'll have to test the correctness of the controller by testing it in sim/hardware. @AnthonyZhOon any other tests or general things to take into consideration?

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

@Jiawei-Liao @Jokua dw about testing the servo, there's some issues with the launch file and the servo connects when running the dynamixel sdk node but has some 'incorrect packet' error. For now just focus entirely on the MCU chip interface. The usb to can device is in a little box in the 2nd drawer where the other hardware is else it'll be connected to the hive.

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago


Getting the following error trying to run a launch file that was previously working


To reproduce, go to the esda repo, clone the esda-control branch build using the instructions in the main branches readme run the command shown in the screenshot

anyone know what's going on? found some ros threads that weren't too helpful. the recent commit isn't causing the issue as i get the same issue with the previous commit

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

OK nm, it was a much earlier commit that was working and the issue was a trailing comma causing python to interpret a variable as a tuple.

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

@Jokua @Jiawei-Liao i merged esda_control to main after some launch fixes and i'd like the branch to have the most recent changes on it b4 u continue working i.e. merge main into it but if you guys encounter issues or don't know what to do, then just delete the branch and create a new one from main.

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

This is the issue I was referring to


Anyone from @Monash-Connected-Autonomous-Vehicle/avp-team know how to fix? Never encountered b4 from memory and the base example files used to always work.

For further context:


Looked at some gh issues online, some suggest altering the baudrate, any other suggestions from anyone?

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

Reduced the baudrate to 30kish and no change. Could something be broken?

Jiawei-Liao commented 4 months ago

I'm not sure what that message means either. I believe when @Jokua tested the launch file we made it worked? So maybe something went wrong when merging it with all the other nodes?

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

nah, the issue persists with the base dynamixel sdk code so it's not the merge.

AbBaSaMo commented 4 months ago

Given launch and the node itself is working and a new servo is being bought, closing the issue. Testing the veracity of the implementation cannot be done until a sim/the build is set-up. A new issue will be created then.