Monash-Connected-Autonomous-Vehicle / ESDA

Software stack for MCAVs annual IGVC entry
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Create URDF and get a basic manually controller Gazebo sim working #8

Closed AbBaSaMo closed 2 months ago

AbBaSaMo commented 5 months ago

The launch file will have to consider the following components


AbBaSaMo commented 3 months ago is almost in a state where it can be used for sim, but it's just not accurate.

Can use the map created a while back in and spawn the ESDA. WIll have to look into spawning into a specific location or saving the map with ESDA existing in a specific location.

Additionally, creating a static way point publisher for no mans land and the ramp.

AbBaSaMo commented 2 months ago

Update velodyne launch to using the velodyne compose launch which launches all of pcl2 and laserscan converters

AbBaSaMo commented 2 months ago

Can look into using this to convert the urdf to sdf

AbBaSaMo commented 2 months ago

Added basic integration of ros2_control ackermann controller. Need to test it now

AbBaSaMo commented 2 months ago

Ros2 control now working. The following tasks remain: