Monash-Connected-Autonomous-Vehicle / autoware

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Set up & configure Autoware control component #10

Open dylan-gonzalez opened 7 months ago

dylan-gonzalez commented 7 months ago

Autoware Control: Docs & Repo

Configure control:

If you need to test Autoware with a simulator, read here.

If you need any help understanding your task, please ask a lead here!

dylan-gonzalez commented 7 months ago

Hey @yentung-yen @klo40 do you guys wanna schedule a call to go over this? Or do you understand

yentung-yen commented 7 months ago

hey @dylan-gonzalez , yep could we schedule a call? @klo40 and I will be coming in on Friday too. Just not sure what time yet.

dylan-gonzalez commented 7 months ago

We can meet on Friday, I'll be there all day so let me know a time that's suitable for both of you

dylan-gonzalez commented 7 months ago

Also pinging @jytKelly - let us know if you're free Friday

jytKelly commented 7 months ago

@dylan-gonzalez I have work until 5 pm on Friday. I can come into the workshop to work on this task on Sunday for the whole day.

dylan-gonzalez commented 7 months ago

@jytKelly I'll schedule a meeting on Friday, and then @klo40 and @yentung-yen can get you up to speed and maybe even work on it together Sunday (if you're all free then)

@klo40 @yentung-yen I'll see you guys in tomorrow 10am? I'll make a gcal and suggest another time if you're not free then

dylan-gonzalez commented 7 months ago

Updated the docs for this issue

yentung-yen commented 7 months ago

Following done on the beauty (1st dec):

chmod +x awsim/AWSIM_v1.1.0\ \(1\)/AWSIM_v1.1.0/AWSIM_demo.x86_64 awsim/AWSIM_v1.1.0\ \(1\)/AWSIM_v1.1.0/AWSIM_demo.x86_64


klo40 commented 7 months ago

01/12/2023 Kendrick and Yen: Notes: Control launch: -At first glance, seems to have all the parameters and configurations set up. -For previous error: ROS may not be running, should do ros2 topic list to check what's running.

dylan-gonzalez commented 7 months ago

Autoware is now working on the Beauty. See the wiki for instructions. Make sure to be inside the docker container first.

yentung-yen commented 7 months ago

05/12/2023 Yen and Kelly:


Image but got this error:


I'll probably join Jackson and Kehan's working session this thursday to see how they ran it. EDIT: realised I have something on from 12-3pm on Thursday. Will see how things go.

dylan-gonzalez commented 7 months ago

The maps directory should be /home/mcav/maps/awsim_map if using AWSIM

dylan-gonzalez commented 7 months ago

Also it doesn't look like source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash worked because you are trying to execute it on the same line as cd autoware. Seems that Quang made a typo in his instructions.

I have updated the wiki with more detailed instructions. Please make sure to correctly set <map_path> as I have stated in the instructions. And make sure to first enter the docker container.