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Start sample_camera_gmsl via over SSH #42

Closed dtonda8 closed 2 months ago

dtonda8 commented 2 months ago

We want to begin the camera stream via ssh

We are currently facing this error:

WindowGLFW: Failed initialize GLFW 
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::exception'
  what():  std::exception
Aborted (core dumped)


Worst case scenario: we write a script to start streaming automatically

VNC is now setup:

  1. Ensure Teltonika router is on, and Host PC and PX 2 are connected to StreetDrone Wifi
  2. On the PX 2's terminal, enter:
  3. Install VNC Viewer
  4. Add new connection with IP address:
dtonda8 commented 2 months ago

From the first link, it seems like you can only start the stream via VNC or directly. Marking issue closed