MonashProteomics / FragPipe-Analyst

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issues running locally with docker #70

Closed fabianegli closed 1 year ago

fabianegli commented 1 year ago

The instructions to run the software locally with docker do not work.

  1. The first issue is that the tag must be lowercase, the one that is given s invalid.
  2. After the image is built with a working tag and a container is run, it will only show a standard Shiny server start page. If the config needs to be adapted, that should be stated in the readme.
  3. This app contains google analytics. I think this should not be included in a standalone execution environment because it strips all privacy from the user without consent.
hsiaoyi0504 commented 1 year ago

@fabianegli Thanks for reporting the issue. We are working on the fix and @Hailey-Z will give us updates soon.

hsiaoyi0504 commented 1 year ago

@fabianegli Looks like Hailey has already updated the usage of Docker in #72. You should be able to have the local instance started without tracked by google-analytics. Please let us know if you find additional issue on this. Thank you.