MonashProteomics / FragPipe-Analyst

GNU General Public License v3.0
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PTM differential statistics: read combined_site tables? #95

Closed patrick-willems closed 2 months ago

patrick-willems commented 2 months ago


Many thanks for this awesome tool, I was quite amazed at the speed and nice functionalities on the server! While for sure this is extremely useful for protein and peptide differential statistics, would it be also possible to read in PTM quantifications? For instance starting from combined_site_K_114.0429 for ubiquitination data etc.

Thanks! Patrick

hsiaoyi0504 commented 2 months ago

Hi @patrick-willems, currently the FragPipe-Analyst doesn't deal with site-specific PTM data, but it's supported in our R package We didn't test much on ubiquitination, but will be happy to get suggestions and ideas from you and other users like which ubiquitination dataset etc.