Moneris / Moneris-Gateway-API-PHP

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[critical] mpgResponse XML parse bug #3

Open cyveros opened 7 years ago

cyveros commented 7 years ago

@MonerisSolutions I find a critical bug within mpgResponse class.

The XML parser "failed" on identifying special XML entity character '&'. For example, we expect


to be parsed as:

['ACSUrl' => 'https://host/path?item1=1&amp;item2=2']

However, the actual outcome is:

['ACSUrl' => 'item2=2']

The cause of this bug is within method mpgResponse::characterHandler($parser, $data)

Due to '&' as an special XML entity character, the 'data node':


is tokenized into 3 separate fields:


It means mpgResponse::characterHandler would be invoked three times by php xml parser although the currentTag remain unchanged across these 3 times function calls.

Near the end of mpgResponse::characterHandler, there is a statement

$this->responseData[$this->currentTag] = $data;

So, the later tokenized string will overwrite the previous one. This explain the bug. In fact, all 5 special xml entity characters will cause this bug.

Thus, I propose to concatenate the tokenized data string instead

$this->responseData[$this->currentTag]  .= $data;