MoneroSpace / defcon-cryptocurrency-village

Defcon Cryptocurrency Village planning
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Attendance Availability #20

Open scottAnselmo opened 3 years ago

scottAnselmo commented 3 years ago

Please comment on what your planned availability is. Do you plan to be onsite or Discord? What days and times?

This info needed to do things like CCS/MAGIC grant funding, print staff badges, flag people in DEF CON Discord as village staff, etc

michaesc commented 3 years ago

I'm available during village hours (probably will take evenings off) from evening (maybe afternoon) 4 August to evening 8 August.

SamsungGalaxyPlayer commented 3 years ago

I will be available Wednesday evening to Monday morning, 4-9th.

SarangNoether commented 3 years ago

Will be on site from Friday afternoon (around 4:00pm or so) through Saturday.

ArticMine commented 3 years ago

I am scheduled to arrive in Las Vegas late Wednesday and depart Monday morning. So Thursday to Sunday. I will likely need time on Saturday or Sunday for a COVID test. Canadian and US regulations.

beef-s commented 3 years ago

I am no longer planning to attend in person :-(

scottAnselmo commented 3 years ago

Will be available Weds night through Sunday evening for anything that's online based like Discord channel modding

sethforprivacy commented 3 years ago

I will be there starting late on the 5th until the night of the 8th, but will not be attending the conference itself.

Happy to help out however I can without being at the conference, though!

jwinterm commented 3 years ago

I will be in town from late Wednesday until late Tuesday, but I'm not sure how available I will be.

bobbieweirder commented 3 years ago

I will be in town from Wednesday morning to Monday night. Excited to see everyone!

michaesc commented 3 years ago

Our village opening hours are Fri-Sat 10-17 and Sun 10-one hour before the closing ceremony, unless we wish to change this. I always forget that Thursday is an official Defcon event day but no villages are open on Thursday.

SamsungGalaxyPlayer commented 3 years ago

We've had MAJOR success in the past being the only village open on Thursday, so I'm fully planning to be open Thursday as well.