MoneroSpace / defcon-cryptocurrency-village

Defcon Cryptocurrency Village planning
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Opening Hours #30

Open michaesc opened 3 years ago

michaesc commented 3 years ago

Our village

These are the opening hours that we (staff) choose for our village. The times are published everywhere by Defcon. Other villages have different opening hours.

Opening Hours

Friday 10-17 Saturday 10-17 Sunday 10-X

X = Time of closing ceremony - 1

Extra Thursday

It seems there is resistance from village goons to opening doors on Thursday. We might not be allowed to receive visitors on Thursday, unless the human registration is working very smoothly.

Let's try to be careful with this rule. If we get permission to soft open on Thursday then to have the name of the goon who told the staff person it is okay to open the doors.

High Traffic

Our extremely high traffic location is right next to the longest line (during a pandemic) of human guests trying to get their badges.

SamsungGalaxyPlayer commented 3 years ago

Understood. Let's plan to keep our Thursday doors open informally and be willing to distribute handouts and answer questions while we do the rest of the setup. But we will not schedule any formal events Thursday.