As a store owner I want users to subscribe to receive regular newsletters so that I can comply with GDPR requirements for users to 'opt-in' rather than 'opt-out'.
Acceptance Criteria
[x] click 'Join VIP Club' link in the footer to launch Signup screen
[ ] view placeholder in input box and add email address to input box
[x] click 'Submit' button to add email address to Newsletter signup list
[x] Task 1: Build a Newsletter app
[x] Task 2: Create a Signup model
[x] Task 3: Create a Signup view to add a user's email address to the Newsletter's subscribers list, with success message, and connect the urls
As a store owner I want users to subscribe to receive regular newsletters so that I can comply with GDPR requirements for users to 'opt-in' rather than 'opt-out'.
Acceptance Criteria