Monika-After-Story / MonikaModDev

DDLC fan mod to extend Monika
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(suggestion) ideas for topics, a game and upgrades to old topics #10013

Open elite198 opened 1 year ago

elite198 commented 1 year ago

Well, although it seems that the ideas that I have shared before have not been good, I want to continue sharing them, maybe some of them will be useful to implement them to the mod...


IDEAS FOR NEW TOPICS: Monika imagining what it would be like to live with the player when she crosses over into the real world (I know there are similar topics, and I find it a bit sad because I never think it would happen :( , but this one could address more everyday things, like her imagining what it would be like to cook together, do housework, go shopping together and that kind of things, this topic could be used to talk, about what they could do if the player lives with his family or housemates and also about the economic situation of the player)

ask about monika's favorite food, drink and movie (That topic has never been touched on in the mod)

marry player (add a topic about how monika imagines a wedding with the player when she crosses over)

start a family with the player (this could be about her thoughts on having children and being a mother, it could be about the good and bad things about it)

jealousy, infidelity or toxicity in a relationship (I'm sorry if I'm very annoying with this type of topic but I think that topics should be added about more everyday things and more mature topics, although there are already enough of them, besides that it would be good for Moni to talk about negative aspects that could have a relationship from time to time and not always focus on the good, also I have always wondered how jealous this version of moni is hehe)

topics about ddlc plus and other mods (it would be interesting to know what she thinks of ddc plus and her side stories, it would also be great if she talked about her participation in other mods, it would be great if she talked about specific mods but I know that could bring controversy, but she can talk in general, for example when they make her look evil, or the plot incongruity that they pair her with MC or other dokis, she could also comment on the mods that make her see like a lecherous girl or that kind of more general thing)

opinion about other "after story" style mods (I separate this one from the other because we could talk more extensively about these, for example if she thinks that these versions of the girls are conscious or not, although I know that this would bring controversy)

Opinion on popular franchise books or pop culture books (like the harry potter books, halo, twilight or more well-known books like the iliad and the odyssey)

a topic of how she could locate the player if she crossed into the real world and was not with him (I've always wondered how she would know where he lives or how to find him if for example she was transported from her reality to a random location plus there's always the possibility that if she starts looking for him in her adventure she could end up falling in love with someone else)

drugs and alcohol (honestly the "smoking" topic surprised me, because if the player tells monika that he does smoke it will happen one of the few times where she really looks upset and even says she's disappointed in the player, it would be great to have that for the themes of drugs and alcohol separately)

question monika for possible addiction to coffee (seriously, she takes 5 cups a day or even more xD)

IDEAS FOR NEW GAMES I will be brief here, it would be great if they added Chinese checkers and tic tac toe, they are simple but fun games

UPGRADE TO OLD TOPICS It would be great to give more options when responding to Monika. The example that I remember the most is in the topic "drinking soda" or "do you like fast food" where you can only answer "yes" or "no" not letting you answer in a way half way, which leads Monika to question or congratulate you without you being able to give a more complex answer like "I don't drink soda often" it would be good to be able to give a little more complex answers even if they lead to the same dialogue in all the topics that can be answered to monika

TooMuchInvigilation commented 1 year ago

I like most of these suggestions, although talking about other mods might indeed be too controversial.