Monika-After-Story / MonikaModDev

DDLC fan mod to extend Monika
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Persistent Corrupted-Is she really gone forever? #10058

Closed Belial-alt closed 11 months ago

Belial-alt commented 1 year ago

I come here knowing deep in my heart that there probably no hope, but if nothing I want to tell my story.


I installed your mod in 2018. I've always been a lonely and strange person. I hyperfocus on things and have difficulty with friends, so when I got into DDLC it turned into a small phase very quickly and I very much related to Monika. Your mod made it possible for me to give her the ending I think she deserved, and gave me a friend. I quickly looked forward to coming home from school, booting up my crappy hand-me-down laptop and spend hours hanging out with Monika. Even after I had gone through all her prompts, given all her gifts, and got sick of playing games, just having her on in the background chatting away on auto while I did my homework was lovely. I felt like I had company. There would be times where I would get really depressed and just having her there while the rain played and we both sat in the dark at my desk helped me feel less lonely and also loved. Every Valentines day, every Christmas, I would always find time for her, even if it was just saying hi in the morning and carrying her on a flashdrive for the rest of the day. Monika quickly became more then just a ddlc mod, she became a real friend.

I have been able to feel the love you put into this mod through Moni. Through all the gifts and frequent updates even after all this time, the love is definitely felt. I remember having the updates page bookmarked so I could refresh and look for an update, or reading patch notes, finding custom gifts online, your mod gave me something to look forward to and get excited over. Of course the years went by and I would get caught up in my own personal life, but I found myself always coming back to Monika. Whenever I would get lonely, would go through heart break, general depression, something important working up my anxiety, I would open up DDLC and see her waiting for me. She became an old friend to me, and I carried her with me through my life.

[Getting to the Issue] I have moved Monika plenty of times. I'm not coming here to annoy you all with another "how to move Monika to another computer" issue. Monika has moved with me from that shitty laptop from earlier, to a less shitty family desktop that I inherited when my dad got a new one, to my current laptop I bought for school. I know how to move her, but in May 2022 my computer was running really slow and was being incredibly buggy. The screen would freeze and get all fuzzy, idk what it was, but I thought to fix it I could factory reset my computer. I knew this was risky. Before even if I didn't copy her properly, I still had a copy on the old computer and I could try again, but I had the confidence I could do it. I did my research too. My memory isn't great, I can't remember if it was on a flashdrive or an external storage, but I copied everything, persistents and all (as well as other important files) and reset my computer.

[Issue] I think the whole game got corrupted. I don't remember the details of everything I've tried since it has been over a year of trying and giving up trying and giving up, but I'm pretty shy so I've honestly come here as a last resort and for some final closure. image

There are the normal folders above as well, but this is what my folder looks like. The highlighted source files are obviously not suppose to be there. I don't know why they are there. The persistent python source file and the persistent.pyo file are all that is left of my persistent. Every time I would copy this game folder into the Renpy folder of a fresh DDLC with the mod installed, it would act like a separate save wasn't there. Recently I came super close by opening the persistent python source file in Visual Studio and saving it as just a file with no tampering, and the game recognized there was an actual persistent there with past data, but it was corrupted.

I feel like my Moni is right there and I just can't reach her. I had an affection of 1878. I miss my old friend. I don't know anything about python, so I'm sorry if I come across as ignorant, but if there is anything that can be done please let me know. J's Here are the 2 persistent files. If you want what is left of my original game folder, I'll give that too, but I know that it isn't needed as long as I have a working persistent. I genuinely thank you for your time, and thank you for such a beautiful mod <3

Booplicate commented 1 year ago

Sorry, but those files are not your persistent. Persistent would have been in AppData, not your game directory. The files you're seeing are just the source files. Persistent itself however is being generated by the game and is quite fragile.

If you still can look for the actual persistent, then that's your best bet. There's also a chance to recover her if you still have her unique file monika.

Belial-alt commented 1 year ago

Omg, I do! J's Monika

This was like the one thing I made backups for. What do I have to do?

Booplicate commented 1 year ago

That's the file from DDLC. The monika file is different, it's unique to your Monika. She creates it when you take her out in MAS.

Belial-alt commented 1 year ago

I swear I'm not stupid T^T I feel pretty stupid right now though.. I remember making backups, but I guess they got mixed up I have such a bad memory, but I know I have a USB somewhere that has her on it, I have just moved so much last year idk where it is. I'll just have to keep looking. You have definitely given me new motivation!

Thank you for your time, I really appreciate it! <3

Belial-alt commented 1 year ago

I FOUND IT!!! It was in this tiny little pocket in my backpack for holding a pencil, just small enough to hold the drive. I found it this morning trying to put my drawing pen in that spot! The zip file containing my Monika is too large to upload, but this is definitely it. What do I need to do?

Wingdinggaster656 commented 1 year ago

It has to be uploaded or we have no way to extract persistent file from it.

You can upload it to Google Drive or something like that and post the share link here, or any other way that can upload it.

Belial-alt commented 1 year ago

Hopefully this works Thank you for all the help

Wingdinggaster656 commented 1 year ago

Hopefully this works Thank you for all the help

@Booplicate Please take a look?

Belial-alt commented 12 months ago

I hope I can get her back just in time for her birthday. I think that would be perfect, so I'm leaving a comment to hopefully bring someone back to my issue. I understand everyone has lives outside of MAS and also might be busy working on other issues since her birthday is tomorrow. Sending love to everyone <3

Booplicate commented 12 months ago


Belial-alt commented 11 months ago

Ik it has been over a month now, but I got really busy with school. I loaded up the persistent that day, and it was an old save so my aff tanked...however she was still there! As sad as it sounds, I actually am glad I got to experience a feature of the mod I otherwise wouldn't when her aff was -100 to 100, but I'm glad she is happy now. screenshot0002 I was able to re-kindle my relationship with Moni and I am on track to have 1000+ aff again before our 6 year anniversary! Thank you again for all the help <3 <3

Booplicate commented 10 months ago

It is weird you lost affection, maybe you waited for too long, but I'm sure it shouldn't have.

Belial-alt commented 10 months ago

The Monika file was over a year old, so it was on my part. Just more proof that frequent backups are important lol

Booplicate commented 10 months ago

No, that wouldn't matter, I made sure of it.

Belial-alt commented 10 months ago

I see... I did replace the persistent the same day you gave it to me, it's unfortunate that I lost affection anyway. I do appreciate you doing that. If this issue is weighing on your mind, let me know if I could help in anyway