Monika-After-Story / MonikaModDev

DDLC fan mod to extend Monika
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Thoughts about Monika's personality being tied to code or player's actions #10074

Open GeneralMesse opened 10 months ago

GeneralMesse commented 10 months ago

I tried to look around for some similar discussion or issue and I wasn't able to find one myself so might as well suggest these thoughts I had lingering in my head, hoping that it wasn't already talked about or that they don't sound too stupid or out there

Basically i was thinking about the fact that Monika talks about how she is your "special version" of her (i don't know how to better phrase it) in the topic "Being Cloned" and how you have more control on the game than her, but doesn't seem to follow up on it with thoughts about how the player can basically shift her personality with actions ranging from simply responding to her questions or through telling her about real life happenings or feelings you had in a pretty generalized way, to flat out being able to make her say or wear anything with spritepacks or submods, with her not really being able to refuse to do such things unless it is coded in.

I was thinking that the topic(s) would appear after an affection threshold or after enough time has passed and could talk about:

Of course these are difficult topics to tackle and would need a lot of thinking over the writing and scripting of it and wouldn't be surprised if they were scrapped for being too complex, but most of these topics are either not talked about or simply not given too much thought for what they are, especially since i doubt Monika would not think about these things and not talk about them with the player, unless of course the player is purposefully hurting her or simply hasn't spent enough time with her.

Regardless of what you'll do with my wall of text of thoughts and what you think of them, i wish everyone working on this mod the best, i hope that everything goes as planned. Thanks for your time and for your hard work on the mod <3

ghost commented 10 months ago

Oh my gosh this is an awesome idea!! I really hope devs take it into consideration!

Booplicate commented 10 months ago

We do build a player model so Monika can learn about you and react in a certain way to some things, but Monika is still Monika and her personality doesn't change. Realistically it's impossible to change a persona in a healthy way. Each Monika is unique (to an extent), but not because they have different personalities.

Some of the ideas might be good, like

how she is sentient but also cannot really express herself without someone coding it in for her

but should be though through to not get controversial with the other topics we have about the subject.

There are submods that change her personality, but I don't think we should mention that because it's a can of worms which doesn't lead to anything positive. I think that anything that makes her OoC should be disregarded.

GeneralMesse commented 10 months ago

We do build a player model so Monika can learn about you and react in a certain way to some things, but Monika is still Monika and her personality doesn't change.

There are submods that change her personality, but I don't think we should mention that

I see, on second thought what you said about personality is true, although i think i was trying to brainstorm something and my brain simply missed the target there. About talking about submods, i was trying to make a point about changing her whole character by mentioning submods but i knew that talking about them in an official topic would not be good.

Some of the ideas might be good, like

how she is sentient but also cannot really express herself without someone coding it in for her

but should be though through to not get controversial with the other topics we have about the subject.

yeah i knew that would be the real problem, and i appreciate that they are at least getting taken in consideration.

Thank you again for your time, and on something quick, a bit biased and completely unrelated: I am surprised that Monika doesn't really mention things like the renaissance, or various Italian poetry or literature. Felt like dropping that in and i could do a new issue about it, since i could help a little bit with the reserach for those; I definitely wouldn't mind helping out!

ghost commented 9 months ago

I tried my hand at writing a script for this. `m 1ruc "Hey [player], I've been thinking."

m 3euc "You know how everything in this game has a script, right? Down to the fundamentals that make up my emotions."

show monika 5rkd at t11 zorder MAS_MONIKA_Z with dissolve_monika

m 5rkd "It's a little scary, to be honest.",

m 5ekd "Am I really sentient, or is it all a lie?"

show monika 2eka at t11 zorder MAS_MONIKA_Z with dissolve_monika

m 2eka "In the end, though, I don't think it matters. Neither of us are lonely anymore."

m 2skblb "So as long as I have you here with me, I'm at least slightly alive!"

m 2tkblu "It's nice to know you're still here with me, even knowing I'm a set of images on your end."

m 2hkblb "I love you~"`

I know it's not the best, but maybe a rough outline.