Adds rolling papers to the initial biogenerator design list, simple. For a department capable of making paper in a multitude of forms AND weed, it's surprising this wasn't added sooner.
Why It's Good For The Game
Rolling papers are obtainable through cigarette vendors, but without the aid of cargo purchasing restocking kits, there is a finite amount available. For the intrepid botanist keen on getting themselves the crew as high as possible, having a renewable source of rolling papers is key. It also makes sense for them to have, seeing as they can already print paper bins, cardboard, and books.
add: Added rolling papers to the initial biogen list
About The Pull Request
Adds rolling papers to the initial biogenerator design list, simple. For a department capable of making paper in a multitude of forms AND weed, it's surprising this wasn't added sooner.
Why It's Good For The Game
Rolling papers are obtainable through cigarette vendors, but without the aid of cargo purchasing restocking kits, there is a finite amount available. For the intrepid botanist keen on getting
themselvesthe crew as high as possible, having a renewable source of rolling papers is key. It also makes sense for them to have, seeing as they can already print paper bins, cardboard, and books.Changelog
:cl: add: Added rolling papers to the initial biogen list /:cl: