Monkestation / Monkestation2.0

A monkestation rebase to TG code
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Pre virology rework virus randomly appeared for some reason #930

Open MonkestationIssueBot opened 5 months ago

MonkestationIssueBot commented 5 months ago

Reporting client info: Client Information: BYOND:514.1589 Key:knighthethrasher

Round ID:




I somehow got a pre viro rework virus. Could be from the cargo shuttle loan.

DexeeXI commented 5 months ago


/datum/disease/advance @0x2109c3d8 Refresh Select option ---Call ProcMark ObjectTag DatumDeleteShow VV To PlayerAdd Component/ElementRemove Component/ElementMass Remove Component/ElementModify Traits

E - Edit, tries to determine the variable type by itself. C - Change, asks you for the var type first. M - Mass modify: changes this variable for all objects of this type.


(E) (C) (M) advance_cures = /list (11) 1 = /list (5) 1 = /datum/reagent/carbon2 = /datum/reagent/copper3 = /datum/reagent/iodine4 = /datum/reagent/iron5 = /datum/reagent/silver2 = /list (6) 1 = /datum/reagent/consumable/ethanol2 = /datum/reagent/acetone3 = /datum/reagent/bromine4 = /datum/reagent/lithium5 = /datum/reagent/potassium6 = /datum/reagent/silicon3 = /list (5) 1 = /datum/reagent/consumable/milk2 = /datum/reagent/consumable/orangejuice3 = /datum/reagent/consumable/salt4 = /datum/reagent/consumable/sugar5 = /datum/reagent/consumable/tomatojuice4 = /list (6) 1 = /datum/reagent/fuel/oil2 = /datum/reagent/medicine/c2/multiver3 = /datum/reagent/medicine/epinephrine4 = /datum/reagent/medicine/haloperidol5 = /datum/reagent/medicine/mine_salve6 = /datum/reagent/medicine/salglu_solution5 = /list (4) 1 = /datum/reagent/drug/space_drugs2 = /datum/reagent/medicine/mannitol3 = /datum/reagent/medicine/synaptizine4 = /datum/reagent/cryptobiolin6 = /list (4) 1 = /datum/reagent/medicine/antihol2 = /datum/reagent/medicine/inacusiate3 = /datum/reagent/medicine/oculine4 = /datum/reagent/phenol7 = /list (4) 1 = /datum/reagent/medicine/higadrite2 = /datum/reagent/medicine/leporazine3 = /datum/reagent/toxin/mindbreaker4 = /datum/reagent/acetaldehyde8 = /list (3) 1 = /datum/reagent/drug/happiness2 = /datum/reagent/medicine/ephedrine3 = /datum/reagent/pax9 = /list (3) 1 = /datum/reagent/medicine/sal_acid2 = /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate3 = /datum/reagent/toxin/lipolicide10 = /list (3) 1 = /datum/reagent/drug/aranesp2 = /datum/reagent/medicine/diphenhydramine3 = /datum/reagent/pentaerythritol11 = /list (2) 1 = /datum/reagent/medicine/c2/tirimol2 = /datum/reagent/medicine/modafinil(E) (C) (M) affected_mob = Zasz /mob/living/carbon/human [mob_3631] (E) (C) (M) agent = "advance microbes"(E) (C) (M) allowed_transmission = 60(E) (C) (M) antigen = /list (0) (E) (C) (M) bypasses_immunity = 0(E) (C) (M) cached_ref = "[0x2109c3d8]"(E) (C) (M) can_kill = /list (1) 1 = "Bacteria"(E) (C) (M) carrier = 0(E) (C) (M) category = "normal"(E) (C) (M) childID = 0(E) (C) (M) color = null(E) (C) (M) cooldowns = null(E) (C) (M) copy_type = null(E) (C) (M) cures = /list (1) 1 = /datum/reagent/consumable/salt(E) (C) (M) cure_chance = 5.5(E) (C) (M) cure_text = "Table Salt"(E) (C) (M) datum_flags = (E) (C) (M) desc = "An engineered disease which can contain a multitude of symptoms."(E) (C) (M) disease_flags = CAN_CARRY, CAN_RESIST, CURABLE (E) (C) (M) fever_warning = 0(E) (C) (M) filter_data = null(E) (C) (M) form = "Advanced Disease"(E) (C) (M) gc_destroyed = null(E) (C) (M) id = ""(E) (C) (M) infectable_biotypes = 1(E) (C) (M) infectionchance = 20(E) (C) (M) infectionchance_base = 20(E) (C) (M) infectivity = 41(E) (C) (M) log = ""(E) (C) (M) logged_virusfood = 0(E) (C) (M) max_bodytemperature = 373.15(E) (C) (M) max_stages = 5(E) (C) (M) min_bodytemperature = 120(E) (C) (M) mutable = 1(E) (C) (M) mutation_modifier = 1(E) (C) (M) name = "Unknown"(E) (C) (M) needs_all_cures = 1(E) (C) (M) oldres = 3.5(E) (C) (M) origin = "Unknown"(E) (C) (M) parent_type = /datum/disease(E) (C) (M) pattern = 1(E) (C) (M) pattern_color = null(E) (C) (M) processing = 0(E) (C) (M) process_dead = 0(E) (C) (M) properties = /list (5) resistance = 4stealth = -1stage_rate = 2transmittable = 0severity = 1(E) (C) (M) required_organs = /list (0) (E) (C) (M) robustness = 100(E) (C) (M) severity = "Harmless"(E) (C) (M) speed = 1(E) (C) (M) spreading_modifier = 1(E) (C) (M) spread_flags = 4(E) (C) (M) spread_text = "Blood"(E) (C) (M) stage = 1(E) (C) (M) stageprob = 25(E) (C) (M) stage_prob = 1(E) (C) (M) stage_variance = -1(E) (C) (M) strain_data = /list (0) (E) (C) (M) strength = 100(E) (C) (M) subID = 0(E) (C) (M) symptoms = /list (1) 1 = null(E) (C) (M) tag = null(E) (C) (M) tgui_shared_states = null(E) (C) (M) ticks = 0(E) (C) (M) type = /datum/disease/advance(E) (C) (M) uniqueID = 0(E) (C) (M) vars = /list (0) (E) (C) (M) viable_mobtypes = /list (1) 1 = /mob/living/carbon/human(E) (C) (M) visibility_flags = 0(E) (C) (M) weak_reference = null(E) (C) (M) _active_timers = null(E) (C) (M) _datum_components = null(E) (C) (M) _listen_lookup = null(E) (C) (M) _signal_procs = null(E) (C) (M) _status_traits = null(E) (C) (M) __auxtools_weakref_id = null